Why am I not having any weight loss on the 4 hour body?

I have been on the 4 hour body for 3 weeks now and Im at the same weight I started at. I am 6'2 and 240 pounds. So obviously Im really fat and have a lot to lose. It is very frustrating to get down to 235 or even 230 and have it go right back up as soon as I hit my cheat day. What might I be doing wrong? Is 4 hour body a scam? My meals are: Breakfast 4eggs and bacon, Lunch Beans Ground beef, 2nd Lunch Spinach salad, tuna, beans. Dinner, Beans, Meat or Eggs. 1 12 oz diet drink. 1 12 oz of coffee 2 tbls of cream. 40oz of unsweetened homebrewed tea. 32oz of water no snacks. Any help would be appreciated or anyone who has had success with it would be great. Also I previously was on this diet about 8 months ago and lost 20 pounds over a month getting to 225 so I know it can work i just dont know why it isn't any more? I really hate being fat and would love to get to 210 and stay there forever.


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I hate to say it but it defies the laws of physics to bounce back up 10lbs on your cheat day unless the entire 10 pound loss was water and you consumed a truck load of salt & sugar.

    Are you logging your food here on MFP. For example you say you're having 4 eggs & bacon for breakfast.....how much bacon? Same with lunch - how much ground beef (extra lean - draining the fat?)It would be interesting to see how many calories per day you're consuming.

    When I see websites saying things like "An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman" my BS detector goes into overdrive.

    Are you exercising? Are you getting enough sleep?

    If you really want to lose weight (and presumably improve your overall health) forget the word "diet" and look for a nutritional program that will fuel your body with nutrient dense, wholesome foods that you can stick with for the rest of your life. If you need to, seek out the assistance of a registered dietician to help you, but sticking to basics would include lots of fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources (chicken, lean cuts of beef etc) and keep track of what you're eating because the bottom line is that you need to create a caloric deficit to lose 1 or 2lbs per week. You've already established that losing 20lbs in a month only leads to a yo-yo effect, do it right, be consistent and be patient.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I hate to say it but it defies the laws of physics to bounce back up 10lbs on your cheat day unless the entire 10 pound loss was water and you consumed a truck load of salt & sugar.

    Are you logging your food here on MFP. For example you say you're having 4 eggs & bacon for breakfast.....how much bacon? Same with lunch - hom much ground beef (extra lean - draining the fat?)It would be interesting to see how many calories per day you're consuming.

    When I see websites saying things like "An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman" my BS detector goes into overdrive.

    Are you exercising? Are you getting enough sleep?

    If you really want to lose weight (and presumably improve your overall health) forget the word "diet" and look for a nutritional program that will fuel your body with nutrient dense, wholesome foods that you can stick with for the rest of your life. If you need to, seek out the assistance of a registered dietician to help you, but sticking to basics would include lots of fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources (chicken, lean cuts of beef etc) and keep track of what you're eating because the bottom line is that you need to create a caloric deficit to lose 1 or 2lbs per week. You've already established that losing 20lbs in a month only leads to a yo-yo effect, do it right, be consistent and be patient.

    ^^ That.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I read that book and even tried to try it but only lasted a few days. It didn't make sense to me. And he has no real training or qualifications in this. His whole plan is pretty much, "Here's what I do..."

    I would try something new, something more based in science. Calorie counting here is pretty easy. And you're not stuck with Ferriss' weird foods.
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I just looked at the website for it...and I honestly don't really believe a lot of his stuff, its not physically possible to put on 34lbs of muscle in 28 days. Also, yes you can sleep 2 hours a night, your can live with no sleep (aka you won't die from lack of sleep, you'll die from complications of loss of cognitive and motor functions with lack of sleep) 2 hours of sleep a night eventually catches up to you.

    Ultimately his plan may work in a perfectly controlled environment that isn't real life, I don't even feel like it works in that, seems like a scam to me
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    oops sorry double post
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Sounds to me like its just another fad diet that won't last for long. Like what you said, you did that before & lost 20lbs. but regained everything back.

    I agree with Brian, forget the word "diet" and look for a nutritional program that will fuel your body with nutrient dense, wholesome foods that you can stick with for the rest of your life. In other words for you to lose the weight & keep it off, you need to change your overall lifestyle. If you treat diet as it is then I'm sorry to tell you but it won't work in the ling run just like what happened to you 8 months ago. Simple as that.

    Also losing the weight by eating on a deficit alone isn't enough. Yes you can lose the weight, however if you don't pair it with exercise especially strength training then you will be having hard time maintaining the loss. Not to mention that you'll end up losing weight with a saggy skin which isn't look good.
  • GermanicKnight
    I lost 27lbs in 40 days on it, and it was a good program. I also did the cold showers and PAGG as well. It works. Just don't go haywire on your cheat days.

    I am actually going to do it again to lose this last 20lbs and get my BF% down around 15%.

    Having no gluten/wheat and no dairy in my diet is EASY. Cutting out fruit was not as easy, but I did it. (I used lemon and lime juice to add flavor to my meals though)