Sticking with SOMETHING

I'm not looking for sympathy here. I keep flip flopping back between low carb and low calorie. I get bored I admit it. It's also hard when I have to cook for two teens and a husband who eats whatever he wants. Maybe I weigh myself too often (like every day) and get discouraged and then "change my plan". I keep losing and regaining the same 6 pounds. Anyone out there the same way?


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    In a way. I never was able to stick to my weight loss plan before due to several different factors. But recently found information on here that has helped A LOT.

    Now, I actually have trouble eating enough food! And am making better results than I ever have before.

    When people here give detailed information for advice, generally listen. :)
  • stephyj528
    stephyj528 Posts: 93 Member
    ughhh yes..ive been doing that the past 3 months seriously! and then i freak out so im like ok stop ill eat what i want cuz if im not deprived ill be was all in my head. literally yesterday i decided to cut cals again bc i found a pic of myself when i was a lot thinner and i want it back real bad.

    yes for 3 months i kept going on here and changing my cals to 2lbs a week, or 1lb a week or very active or not active, etc and i drove myself nuts. also all the support on here helps SO MUCH. to know people are having the same issues but its so positive here too. easy does it :)
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. AND you look better too. Rapid weight loss = saggy skin... no one is sexy looking like a flying squirrel.
  • tab1221
    tab1221 Posts: 11 Member
    DanaDark- LOL this is true! : )
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Just remember to not eat too little! For YEARS I would try to diet, eating so little and only seeing 0.1lb weight loss a week, and even GAINING some the next.

    When I noticed you're actually supposed to still have food, I upped my calories. This week I saw the largest weight drop I have EVER had. And I am eating more... it is so dang crazy. Gosh, really wish I could remember the guy on here that I first noticed talk about it... I'd give him a huge hug.
  • netne1970
    netne1970 Posts: 2 Member
    I have found that I do much better w/ a diet that I can stick with forever....a healthier way of eating. I am trying to eat healthy while limiting my carbs and sugar. I'm not doing super low carb, just limiting it. I have lost weight the low carb way, but eventually became bored w/ it and went off of it and gained most of the weight back. Now I am just simply trying to eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein and if it does come in a box or a can I try to make sure that it is low in sugar(6 grams or less) and high in fiber. I am also exercising 5-6 days a week for at least 30 minutes. I have found exercise and a sensible way of eating that I can live with, to be the key to my success whenever I am on a diet. I haven't lost a whole lot of weight yet according to the bathroom scale, but I have been losing inches. I have found the food and exercise journal to be very helpful. Just knowing that if I eat a particular thing that I am going to have to log it in to my food journal stops me from eating it and helps me make wiser choices. I hope you have success and that you get past thos 6 lbs and continue to lose!:smile: