Evening binge eating support!!



  • JamesterCK
    JamesterCK Posts: 109 Member
    A few nights ago I had horrible cravings. My mom lives with us, so I was waiting for her and my husband to leave so I could binge without anyone knowing. Before I got the chance, I got on MFP and was cruising the site, especially the success stories. It saved me that night; I know I would have probably ate 500 or more calories but I was able to remind myself why I'm doing this. I haven't had those cravings since but I know how to deal with it better now - I'll just get on MFP!
  • icefirekitty
    OMG. I have done the worst binging lately. always at night after dinner. a 90 calorie brownie. double chocolate protein bar. handfull of chocolate chips. or 2 or 3. another brownie. a PBJ. its like i can't stop! i dont know if i should just not eat after breakfast and save all the calories for late at night, or what. i feel so out of control :[ ive gained weight. from all this. even though i burn 500-900 calories a day. its that bad.
  • meeksfour
    meeksfour Posts: 59 Member
    Your brain mostly runs on sugar. So your brain might be craving sugar and carbs because you're eating at a defecit and it's late and you're tired. Sometimes the solution is to just go to bed. You might find you're more tired than you think
    Sometimes I just give in and it's OK. I end up being stronger the next day and get right back on the horse. Other times if I can I just start shoving raw veggies in my mouth until I am so engorged with low-cal food that some of the motivation for the sweet junk is lost.

    So true to both of these! Great info and on point.

    I might have joined MFP last year with good intentions, but just recently jumped back on the crazy train....er... wagon. It has been about 10 days now of clean eating and exercise( no exercise today, not feeling well) all because of this lovely thing called friends! My diary is open and now interacting on this site keeps my hands busy and am distracted enough to keep the snacks out of reach.

    New rules for becoming healthy: journal food before I put it in my mouth...don't want others to see my bad choices, keep an open diary keeps me honest, exercise... Even,15 minutes, is way better than sitting on sofa, use the message board to stay focused, look at Pinterest because everyone is doing it!

    Friend me, see you soon.
  • MzBeckie
    MzBeckie Posts: 207 Member
    its the reason why I come on here is too read success stories and other posts to keep me from snacking. I start my days later in the morning so i got really use to eating late suppers and snacking around this time. I don't crave sweets though because I love salty snacks.
  • susiebear29
    susiebear29 Posts: 266
    I had a terrible binge last night and I have no idea why, im so disgusted with myself I had been doing so well and had not binged in over a month!! fee like crap today :sad: