Balancing food and exercise

So I'm kind of new to all of this. I started with following the guidelines for how many calories I should eat and I've been slowly introducing exercise into the mix these last couple of days. Only now because of the exercise I feel like I'm eating a lot. For example today I burnt 344 calories exercising so I had to eat like 1500 just to get my net calories past 1200. Is it safe to get a net amount of less than 1200? I always hear 1200 as the "magic number". Really I'd just like to stay somewhere between that and 1420, which is the goal I was given. Only now I have that feeling like I ate too much today and am really full.

I've heard that less than 1200 can be really unhealthy, specially if you aren't eating food with a lot of nutrients. Is that 1200 after or before exercise is included?

Does anyone have advice for those days where I just don't feel like eating. This is kind of a strange situation for me. I thought I'd be pining for food all the time, and instead I seem to have done a 180 and am having a hard time getting to my goal amount. My husband suggested maybe drinking more or having shakes. I've been sleeping in a bit too since it's summer. Maybe I should be spreading my food intake out more so it isn't so much at once.


  • icculus19
    icculus19 Posts: 39
    use this site ( to find out your BMR and the number of cals you need to maintain your weight. once you know these numbers deduct 500 cals and that will be the total number of cals you need for the day to lose weight.

    you are right that you should go below 1200 cals per day. a good rule of thumb when you are dieting is if you are not hungry DO NOT force your self to eat. if you are feeling full from eating a small meal this usually means your body and for that mater your stomach have gotten used to how you are feeding it. i try to eat 4 to 6 small meals a day that usually works out to about every 3 to 4 hours.

    remember the more you exercise the more cals you will burn which means the more cals your body will need to recover. this is why it is important for you to check out the web site. it will give you a breakdown of the amount of cals you need every day. keep this in mind, the more you exercise the more cals you will need