I need a kick start please!!


I really need some motivation to kick start me back into my healthy eating and exercise. I really want to start over but have totally lost all motivation to do so. I have kept the initial weight off for over a year but i have just had time out maintaining this weight.

I need to now start again as I have a lot to lose but i needed time out before i put it all back on again, as i had done in the past i was a typical yo-yo dieter.

I want to lose some more weight again and I know i can do it. I generally eat normally and exercise frequently but i am bored of my regular gym routine and my meals are just such a struggle lately because im totally bored with eating the same things.

Above all i just cannot find the starting point to get this going again. Can anyone give me a kick up the *kitten* to get me started again. I feel that now is a great time to start because I could lose some for xmas and be healthier in the New Year.

Thanks and best of luck to everyone :)


  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    First of all congrats on the weight loss so far! An even bigger congrats for taking time to maintain before losing more. Maintaining is more difficult than losing and I think now that you've worked on maintaining and given your body a break you will see the weight come off almost as easily as it did in the beginning. Post what you eat and if I have some different ideas I'll help you out. As far as getting motivated to get back to it, I personally find that reading a new health and fitness book is motivating. Have you read any of Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Series...she has excellent books about nutrition and tons of recipes! I also liked the body sculpting bible for women. If you don't do a lot of strength training it may be good for you to start so you can add some variety to your workouts. I hope this helps!
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I hear ya! And like you, I was able to keep the weight off, but that was it. I started back up in September. It's getting better.

    So welcome back to MFP!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Hmmm, congrats on losing the 25 pounds so far, that's great. But now that you've had some success I am wondering if you've lost track with some of the reasons you wanted to lose the weight to begin with. How about sitting quietly for a few minutes and writing down what you really most want from life and if your weight is holding you back from any of them. If so, maybe that can be a kick-start.

    If your routine is boring you, then you need to mix it up. Go to the library or a bookstore and find a recipe that intrigues you and try it out. You don't need to eat the same foods over and over again to be healthy or lose weight. Maybe you can invite a few friends over for dinner. You make the main course and have them bring part of the meal ... each person trying a new recipe. Make it a be fit party, each person bringing something to eat and an exercise to teach the other attendees.

    That could be a social way to kick start..

    let me know what you end up doing, but don't give up on yourself. If you really wanted to, you wouldn't have reached out for help in your post ... so you are already half way there to feeling good about things,.

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Here's your KICK, now go get that weight off! If you can lose AND maintain then I truly believe you can get the rest off ! Keep logging your cal's, drinking your water, and move a little bit faster/longer and you WILL reach your goal!!!! We here at MFP are cheering you on!! Best wishes!
  • shinybonnie
    I love the MFP goal setter and food/exercise diaries.... Try following MFP's calorie requirements and exercise requirements. That may help you figure out why you are only maintaining and not losing.