Documentary- Why Are Thin People Not Fat?



  • wolveslovemee
    wolveslovemee Posts: 156 Member
    I saw this a while ago it was a great watch! Highly recommend it.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    So, we need a documentary to figure this one out?
    How about they intake the amount of calories their body metabolizes.
  • DeckerDoll
    DeckerDoll Posts: 201
    I do think some people are genetically thinner and have the ability to eat more and not gain...still doesn't mean they're healthy though. My mom is 5'8 and has always been around 120-125lbs and can eat butter in everything and not gain (pretty sure I've seen potato chips dipped in butter before) but when we were tested, even though my BMI was higher than hers, my BF was significantly lower.

    Eat healthy, move more is my mantra.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I agree... Junk foods alone don't make you fat. Its the calorie surplus. Also remember than thin people usually fidget more. Did you know that fidgetting also burns calories?

    ^ This. On a personal note, I ate CRAP for years. In my teens I had an "ice cream diet" where I'd eat nothing but ice cream all day while playing videogames on a day off from school (or on a sick day if it was a cold where I could eat), and the scale would start kicking down the numbers; I was on the sliver of being underweight. It wasn't until I started boredom-eating later on that I began to have any issues. Then, 6 months of a full-time job and eating crap on breaks to fill in the awkward silences... hello, 30 insta-pounds.
  • purdieang
    purdieang Posts: 43
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Growing up, I was always very thin. I remember in Jr High and High School, I would stay at a friends house overnight and it would astonish me how much food other families eat. My mom was always super health conscious, and that rubbed off. So, I guess as a family, we ate pretty light. I'd hang with my friend overnight or maybe a weekend and I just couldn't stand it, I thought I was going to burst at very meal. They just ate so much food. It really freaked me out. I realized in high school that most people are just pigs. That's all there isto it. They have no idea how to just eat enough to be full. They just eat and eat and eat, where eating is the activity, rather than the activity is something else and food just nourishes you from or for that activity. Weird. I think if you followed one of you skinny friends around all day everyday for a week, you'd see why they are skinny and you aren't.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    The way I ate when I was in high school was insane. Breakfast would be something like a six egg omelet and half a loaf of bread, washed down with a half-gallon of milk (weight gainer protein powder optional). If dad made biscuits and sausage gravy (one of his specialties), I was good for a couple of those on top of it. A steakhouse in our town had a meal called the "Mountain Man", which was 2 pounds of prime rib, a huge baked potato and a salad....I'd eat every bit of it, along with a basket or two of garlic bread, then finish what was left on mom or dad's plate. When mom made tacos or enchiladas, I was good for at least a dozen of either for dinner. When we barbecued, I ate no less than three hamburgers with all the fixings, along with chips and guacamole, a couple sodas and maybe a piece of pie for dessert. Looking back at it now, I don't know how my parents afforded to feed me!

    I was 6'6", rail-thin at 175 lbs. and trying desperately (and unsuccessfully) to gain weight for football. I amazed people with how much I ate. But in retrospect, I was also *very* active - I played interscholastic sports (football, basketball and track), which involved 3-hour practice sessions each day plus game days. Some seasons would overlap, which would involve back-to-back consecutive practice sessions for each sport. I rode dirt bikes and raced BMX on the weekends. Basically, the only time I wasn't moving and doing something was when I slept. I took in a tremendous amount of calories on a daily basis, but also undoubtedly had an obscenely high calorie expenditure to counteract it. If I ate like that now (32 years later with a completely different lifestyle), I'm sure I'd weigh 400+ lbs. in a pretty short time. The laws of thermodynamics still applied to me back then, but both ends of the equation were at very high levels.
  • morgan_mfit
    morgan_mfit Posts: 58 Member
    Just watched it. I wish I was like the asian man and put on muscle without exercising!
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Of course the Asian guy would gain muscle instead of fat. Y MAI ASIAN GENES NO WORK?

  • gooiyw
    gooiyw Posts: 114 Member
    Bumping this for when I get home. Thanks!
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    thanks, I will give this a look!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Genetics loads the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger ...
  • Fiona_Bullough
    Fiona_Bullough Posts: 138 Member
  • ZombiePiggy
    ZombiePiggy Posts: 5 Member
    Bumping to find later.
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks! I'm watching it now! :)
  • Thanks for posting this documentary, I loved it.
  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    So, we need a documentary to figure this one out?
    How about they intake the amount of calories their body metabolizes.

    If you dont find it interesting you dont have to be a jerk, I think these documentaries about weight are fascinating and I'd thought I'd share it since this is a weight loss forum.

    Never Mind. I dont even know why I let people who arnt being so nice bother me, there are plenty of people who are being nice.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I watched this a couple of years ago and I thought it was interesting (although it did leave some questions unanswered).

    I know people are saying it's simply that thinner people eat less and burn more, but that doesn't really answer the question .... why? I watched it from the point of view of somebody who spent the vast majority of their life at the "correct" weight without ever having to think about what I ate or how much exercise I got. What changed to make me fat? What was different when I wasn't fat? Why did my "instincts" have me eating exactly the right amount of calories to maintain for all those years, then suddenly eating too many?

    One thing I found really interesting was how difficult it was for slim people to put on weight. If I remember, some of them just couldn't cope with eating the extra calories at all. And wasn't there one guy who put on muscle instead of fat when he ate more?

    It does show that being slim, naturally slim, isn't about healthy eating and willpower.
  • jesshall281
    jesshall281 Posts: 219
    Bump so i can watch after work!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I literally was chatting with my husband today about this very subject.