SSS Challengers - mid week check in

Hi everyone. We are 4 days into our first week. How is everyone doing?

I am staying within my calories every day and haven't missed a work out yet. My struggle this week is having too much sugar. I love my Starbucks and I love treats so if I have the calories I tend to choose the less healthier choices. I am going to see how I do this week and adjust next week if I need to.

Yesterday I faced a challenge. I went to Chipotle for lunch with my boss - besides pizza a Chipotle burrito is my favorite food, biggest weakness and it is also over 1,000 calories. SO I am standing in line I am thinking how good a burrito would be and my mouth is watering. I am thinking about how I promised myself no binging and only staying within points. I knew if I had the burrito I would barely have any points left for dinner. I didn't care. I was having it anyway. Screw it! I want it. It will taste so good. It was my turn.........and I ordered my healthy burrito bowl. No rice, no cheese. AND I only ate 2/3 of it and threw the rest away. I felt so good about making the right decision. The thing is that burrito would have tasted amazing, but it would have lasted about 2 minutes. I would have felt bad all day.

That is why I believe losing weight is all about baby steps. Every good choice adds up and suddenly after a week of those good choices you see progress. I hope everyone is doing well and that your baby steps will add up to a loss on Monday.

If you are like me the weekend is challenging. When I am at work in my routine I do really well, but on the weekends have always been my cheat days. With this challenge I have promised no cheat days so I have to work extra hard in the gym if I want to treat myself. I hope everyone does well the next few days. I can't wait to see our progress on Monday!

Stay strong my SSS challengers! We are about to say suck it to 15 pounds.


  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Not great...not yet anyway. Been over 100 degrees here since about the last week or week and a half in June (so about a month of 100 degrees or higher). For some reason I am holding water. Swollen feet/ankle/legs. But on the good note, today I lost 5 of the 8 pound of water I have gained since the first weigh-in. So in 3 more pounds, i will be back where I started. But I can see it's just the water,
  • hll2465
    hll2465 Posts: 31 Member
    Doing well here!! I have been sticking to my calories to the T since I began this journey 33 days ago! It has been hot so we have not been walking a whole lot here, but we were able to get out for about a 40 min walk this evening so that was good! Anyway, good job on the burrito thing. I love that place and it would of been very hard to not get a burrito, you should be proud of saying no. You felt better anyway!!!! Keep up the good work ladies!
  • bgisabel
    bgisabel Posts: 8 Member
    Ugh! Weekends are the hardest days for me too. Weekdays are great & I stay within my calorie points, but those weekends are difficult. Anyone have any suggestions on not caving into temptation/cravings? I go over my points every weekend. It feels like any weight loss I have comes right back.
  • Establishedn1986
    Establishedn1986 Posts: 306 Member
    I am doing well! doubled up on my workouts and staying within my macros! Good job ladies thus far! We can do this!
  • TheKoren
    TheKoren Posts: 20 Member
    Today was my first full "good girl" day after the weekend binge...aye carumba...I've been going just a little bit over every day on silly stuff (too much creamer in the coffee, etc.) and not working out, but I stayed under calories today and got my booty moving again tonight! Feeling strong again. I hate weekends too, but no one is having a birthday this weekend, and right now my house is chock full of nothing but healthy food...whether my kids like it or not!

    Since we all hate weekends...maybe we need to make it a point to check in with each other more often on those oh-so-dangerous days. Strength in numbers ladies...I know it was the off-line reminders from you girls that made me get back on track before I had completely ruined my progress.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • springbreakmission
    springbreakmission Posts: 83 Member
    Well "if every day were like today..." I'd have this challenge nailed. Unfortunately, that stupid button is almost never right >:| I know how inaccurate it is for me and yet I CANT STOP PRESSING IT! To be honest I think i'm becoming a little too obsessed with the numbers. I'm going on a birthday cruise in september and I WILL NOT STOP
  • jinglett
    jinglett Posts: 69
    Have you ever wondered why weekends are tough. I personally love Monday weigh ins because it keeps my weekend on track. If the trend is super good all week and cheat on weekend--have you ever thought of it like your kids being all good all day at school and they get home and have a melt down. Maybe you need one (I SAID ONE AND ONLY ONE) small planned treat during the week so the week wasn't all about deprivation and the weekend all about the freedom to ruin the week. Maybe planning for the weekend menu in advance. Weekends aren't so tough for me--I have been practicing the planning thing for awhile. Think about what treat it is that really makes a weekend for you and plan around it. For me it might be my husbands breakfast special--i enjoy every bite guilt free but plan the rest of my foods and portions to work around that. If some higher fat meat food is on the supper menu, I add lower calorie healthier option sides to go with it. Weekends do not have to be a negative time! You can be successful!
  • HeinzPrincess
    I wanted soooo bad to binge last night...just kept running through my head to go ahead and give in and start again tomorrow.


    No binging, stayed on track, and I feel so proud today.
  • minlyn22
    minlyn22 Posts: 104 Member
    Doing ok. Had a one-day slip up celebrating with family, but right back on track the following morning. Started getting more active yesterday (mainly due to the slip up, but also to succeed at this challenge) and worked out first thing this a.m. : )
    Way to overcome that Burrito... Sounds like a funny compliment, but I TOTALLY get how big of a milestone that is...
    Keep up the good work and have a successful weekend everyone!!!
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    I am doing ok. I have done pretty good at staying in my calories. I need to get more motivated for the work outs. I want to get up before work and get a workout it but its hard to get going at 445 or 5. I find myself laying in bed saying I will work out tonight extra hard, which I never do as much as I should. Hoping after this weekend things will get better. I am starting P90X on monday and that should really help me reach my goal.
  • lkweightloss
    lkweightloss Posts: 9 Member
    Eh. Last few days were pretty bad. Hopefully I can pull it together today and these next two days and lose something even if it's .1lb . Good luck everybody. :)
  • makanuilani
    makanuilani Posts: 10 Member
    My Dilemma: I make a new plan for this week and this challenge.... I set my goals for this weekend. (Goals: Exercise on Saturday and Yoga on Sunday)... and.... my monthly friend visits today...UGHHHH!!!!

    New goal for this weekend:
    No Alcohol
    Drink lots of Water
    Make every calorie count! (not just count my calories) Keep track of calories tonite, saturday and sunday.

    Have a great weekend!
  • amazingfitgirl
    amazingfitgirl Posts: 43 Member
    I wanted soooo bad to binge last night...just kept running through my head to go ahead and give in and start again tomorrow.


    No binging, stayed on track, and I feel so proud today.

    way to go! I love when I overcome those times. keep it up!
  • hapilymarried2006
    hapilymarried2006 Posts: 27 Member
    wow good job on beating the enemy aka burrito :) im doing good here having a hard time eating enough calories but im on track have not cheated since last Sunday and am really wanting a soda ugh weekends ar every hard for me too but i am determined to suceed this time for me.....
  • Lynn625
    Lynn625 Posts: 56 Member
    I can't wait until in the morning to weigh. I had one slip up this week, otherwise I have been on track!
  • nlwilliamson
    nlwilliamson Posts: 225 Member
    eh not too great, today is monday and im still retaining water from the weekend. Thats my issue, weekends :(
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    Did not see this post earlier. My week was pretty good. My husband worked upwards of 70 hours last week, so gym training was hit or miss. We did get in everything but legs though, hopefully today. I also hopped on the bike everyday (except yesterday) In fact last Monday I took 2 rides, and did a total of 27 miles. (I normally do around 14) Stayed pretty much on track with food. (had one "cheat meal" yesterday, but I earned it) I am down 2.4 pounds today, and looking forward to a great week.......Let's all hope my husband has a better week at work! :/