someone has to explain this too me...



  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Exercise is never a waste! I don't work out just to lose weight, but also to improve my overall health. I love the way exercise makes me feel. I get up in the morning and do my power walk and BAM I am ready and raring to get on with my day! I NEVER felt like that in the morning before, even after drinking a huge cup of coffee or having an energy shot. I sleep better; I used to really struggle with insomnia but now I sleep like a baby.

    ^This times 1000000. I never thought I would be one of those people but I actually enjoy exercising now. I feel like a bad *kitten* when I am done and I sleep through the night. The last time I was at my current weight (221lbs) I was still a size 22-24. Now I am a size 16-18. My body is already more toned than it has been in years. When I hit below 199, I may actually look better than I did when I was 185lbs just because of the exercise and effort I have put in already.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    <~~~~~I didn't get like this sitting on the couch for an hour. I go to the gym and then come home and eat my exercise calories. Bottom line: MFP gives you a calorie goal of say 1200 calories. That is already a 500ish calorie deficit. So if you go burn 600 more that puts you at a 1100 calorie deficit. You netted 600 calories for the day. Safe? Healthy? Not really. Eat back those calories and you are at your goal of 1200 cals and still have a 500 calorie deficit. You can sit on the couch, and eat 1200. You will lose weight. But you won't gain muscle, strength, energy, firmness, sexiness, endurance, or self confidence. And you won't get all the health benefits of exercise, lower blood pressure, heathy heart, lower cholestoral.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Please be sure you put down your "Actual" activity level.
    Sooooooo many people make the mistake of saying "I'm sedentary but I work out 7 days a week!"
    Doesnt work that way.

    please explain

    MFP wants your activity level *without exercise*. So if you sit at a computer = sedentary, on your feet all day (waitress/mailman/etc) = lightly active, and so on. Not including your exercise in your daily calorie goal is why MFP tells you you've "earned 399 extra calories" or whatever that number is after you log in your exercise.
  • mattsdad1961
    mattsdad1961 Posts: 65 Member
    There are many weight-loss implacts of exercise...however, I'd like to volunteer that for me exercise is more about the NSVs (non-scale victories). I am on my second time trying to succeed using MFP as a tool. The first time I lost 40 lbs in about 4 months. I didn't quite have the mental stuff to stay focused when some challenges hit (death of a parent, another parent affected with cancer, family job loss).

    That said...the benefits of exercise for me are feeling stronger, being 'less-jiggly' not just having less to jiggle, increased metabolism so my body processes food more efficiently (I'm not having as many "digestive eruptions" as before), my clothes fit better and I am generally in a better mood (hormonal stabilization).

    So, I'm back using MFP. Joined a 24/7 gym that is close to my office so I can actually fit an hour a day into my schedule. And I'm comitted to re-gaining a healthy mind and body.

    I hope this helps. if it doesn't please ignore. Wishing you all the success you deserve on your journey to better health.