it's Ramadan ! How do you eat work out ?



  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Forgive me if I'm wrong I'm still learning but I thought if op is planning on doing an intense workout before consuming any food or water in the last 16 hours, 1 she'd be dehydrated and 2 if it's intense wont it reduce the effectiveness in the workout? She might burn tons on an empty stomach during the workout but I thought considering her situation she'd want something a little more sustained? We're not talking about an overnight sleep, this is fasting all day without food or water AND going about our day as normal in potentially in hot weather for an entire month.

    From my personal experience and those of my friends I'd say if I didn't have a drink or something to restore my energy before a workout my performance would be affected for sure. I hope you find a safe way to work around this it's definitely not easy but very inspirational :)

    ^^^^ this

    Intermittent fasting type diets are NOT the same as fasting for Ramadan.... Ramadan you refrain from food AND DRINK. Working out while dehydrated is not a good idea!!! Intermittent fasting diets people drink water and many take BCAA supplements to preserve muscle mass during the fast. Both of these would break the fast during Ramadan.

    also the fasted thing only goes for cardio, and it doesn't suit everyone. fasted cardio does not work for me, it messes up my blood sugar. doing weights with no carbs in your system = rubbish workout and no benefit.

    Best time to workout is after you've given iftaar (post fasting meal) time to go down, so you're well hydrated and have sugar in your system. If you're going to try the fasted cardio thing (there is some evidence you burn marginally more fat doing low intensity cardio after not eating for a long time, although if your workout intensity/duration suffers that can offset the advantages of it), then break your fast with 1 or 3 dates and water (as per the sunnah) then pray, then workout then eat iftaar.
    Collectively, these results suggest that the RIF has little effect on the performance of experienced Judokas, but Muslim athletes who train during the RIF should carefully periodize their training load and monitor their food intake and fatigue levels to avoid performance decrements.

    Nevertheless, attention should be paid
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    Forgive me if I'm wrong I'm still learning but I thought if op is planning on doing an intense workout before consuming any food or water in the last 16 hours, 1 she'd be dehydrated and 2 if it's intense wont it reduce the effectiveness in the workout? She might burn tons on an empty stomach during the workout but I thought considering her situation she'd want something a little more sustained? We're not talking about an overnight sleep, this is fasting all day without food or water AND going about our day as normal in potentially in hot weather for an entire month.

    From my personal experience and those of my friends I'd say if I didn't have a drink or something to restore my energy before a workout my performance would be affected for sure. I hope you find a safe way to work around this it's definitely not easy but very inspirational :)

    ^^^^ this

    Intermittent fasting type diets are NOT the same as fasting for Ramadan.... Ramadan you refrain from food AND DRINK. Working out while dehydrated is not a good idea!!! Intermittent fasting diets people drink water and many take BCAA supplements to preserve muscle mass during the fast. Both of these would break the fast during Ramadan.

    also the fasted thing only goes for cardio, and it doesn't suit everyone. fasted cardio does not work for me, it messes up my blood sugar. doing weights with no carbs in your system = rubbish workout and no benefit.

    Best time to workout is after you've given iftaar (post fasting meal) time to go down, so you're well hydrated and have sugar in your system. If you're going to try the fasted cardio thing (there is some evidence you burn marginally more fat doing low intensity cardio after not eating for a long time, although if your workout intensity/duration suffers that can offset the advantages of it), then break your fast with 1 or 3 dates and water (as per the sunnah) then pray, then workout then eat iftaar.
    Collectively, these results suggest that the RIF has little effect on the performance of experienced Judokas, but Muslim athletes who train during the RIF should carefully periodize their training load and monitor their food intake and fatigue levels to avoid performance decrements.

    Nevertheless, attention should be paid

    Do you have the full artice? That abstract mentioned that they were measured before Ramadan, at the beginning (didn't say if it was before or after iftaar) and at the end of Ramadan (while fasting? on Eid day?) and 3 weeks after Ramadan.... not the effect of training after a 16 hr fast with no food or water. That's a little different. What was their training schedule during Ramadan? Did they train after iftaar, or between asr and maghreb (when they'd be the most dehydrated/glycogen depleted?

    As the question is not about exercise during Ramadan itself, but whether you should work out before or after eating iftaar, the above questions are very relevant. Even the bit you quoted about periodisation of training, well what does that mean precisely? Timing training so that it's after iftaar?
  • Salue
    Salue Posts: 46 Member
    To Sum everything up! Easily

    Depends on the person him/her self

    Some people can Excerise and workout while fasting and some can't

    do what YOU can do, do not force yourself or u will fail

    so if you see your self fit to exercise during fasting do it, if not do it after fotoor

    i found this : Might be helpful :D
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    What's the evidence that training before iftaar is better than training after iftaar? (I don't mean directly after but give your food time to go down first) - after iftaar you can drink water through your workout and you're not glycogen depleted. Being dehydrated or glycogen depleted affects how much you can lift. Re post workout feeding window - you don't have to eat all your daily calories at itaar, you can still partition them between what you eat at iftaar time and what you eat after your workout, about 2 hrs later. There's no law saying you have to stuff your face at iftaar. However eating a decent pre-workout meal, waiting a bit, then working out then eating a decent post workout meal is surely better?

    I'm open minded, btw if someone can show me the science or logic behind it. Also climate is a factor, this time of year it's over 30 centigrade (86F) with the air conditioning on and over 50 centigrade outdoors (122F). Plus iftaar is earlier, i.e. 6:30pm as we're closer to the equator. Maybe those things are factors, i.e worse dehydration for me, much easier to partition the meals through the night, i.e. iftaar, workout an hour or so later then post workout meal, all before bedtime.

    I don't see any logical reason why doing a weights workout before iftaar would be better than after?
  • Salue
    Salue Posts: 46 Member
    i don't have any evidence or anything

    good to know that your open minded <3

    like i said before it depend's on the person

    some prefer to work before fotoor and prefer to work out after fotoor

    my advice is try them both and see the result for your self, no harm done rite ? just see for your self

    i myself i'd rather work out lifting weights befor fotoor because i see more fit for myself and i put all my potential in it ! i know there is no rule to stuff ur face in food after fotoor, it's just how people are these days they just keep eating like no tomorrow i was like that it's fun and in ramadan in feeding time people tend to get alot of sweets and stuff like that XD so ya it all depends on your self

    instead of wanting a scientific answer or a logic one

    why don't you try it your self no harm done i tried both Lifting weights before and after

    and i saw for myself that before fotoor " feeding time " i saw myself more fit and it's more easy and it's more fun to lift weights and i feel like i gained strength and power while doing so i did it before fotoor " feeding time "
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    I can't disagree with try it and see :)

    For me I already know I can't do a good weights workout when hungry. Even fasted cardio doesn't work for me (I'm fine during the workout but get cravings for sweet foods later in the day and find it a lot easier to stick to an eating plan when I don't workout when hungry at all) I know quite a few people that do fasted cardio with good results.
  • Salue
    Salue Posts: 46 Member
    i can't do cardio while fasting , well i can but i don't like the feeeling of being to hydrated i can walk 10K with drinking a sip of water but after im done walking i HAVE to drink LOADS of water XD so that's why i keep cardio for after fotoor XD

    i'm like you i have Sweet cravings ALOT so far i'v been resisting for 10 days :D not a single sweet thing in my mouth like sugar and chocolates and ice cream :P i replaced them with fruits nuts dates XD

    before ramadan and before i started working i used to wake up have a sip of water then go for a 60min walk then get back home and start my day and eat work out and everything

    as for eating within ramdan and after it i try to stay Paleo ! eating everything organic nothing produced and stuff like that
  • shanighias
    shanighias Posts: 169 Member
    Ramadan Mubarak every one.......and I will be workout before going to bed and try to eat lightly in Aftaar!!!! sahoor will be my heaviest meal!!!!!
  • shanighias
    shanighias Posts: 169 Member
    I am doing Jillian Michaels body revolution and I am on week 6.....I replace cardio day with p90x kempo,plometrics and p90x2 balance and power!
  • Salue
    Salue Posts: 46 Member
    thank's for the reply!

    Ramdan mubarak to you to

    Good choice Shanighias but don't go to Heavy on Sahoor like eat normal or a little less

    as for your excerises i dont know michaels body what ever xD

    but i do know P90x i'd love to do it but i can't because it requires pull ups chin ups and i can't do those X_X and dimond "military push ups " cant do those too :P
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    thank's for the reply!

    Ramdan mubarak to you to

    Good choice Shanighias but don't go to Heavy on Sahoor like eat normal or a little less

    as for your excerises i dont know michaels body what ever xD

    but i do know P90x i'd love to do it but i can't because it requires pull ups chin ups and i can't do those X_X and dimond "military push ups " cant do those too :P

    There are a lot of ways to do modified exercises for those exercises you mentioned. Youtube or even the DVDs themselves will give u clues. I personally can't don pull ups or chin ups yet, so they showed me a way to do it using the assistance of a chair (you still get the same muscles going). With the diamond push ups you just need to make your diamond wider as in don't have the hands touching the farther apart they are the easier it gets.

    I definitely would recommend P90x to anyone just based on the results I'm seeing so far (only been 3 weeks). I can feel some muscles I forgot I even had.
  • shanighias
    shanighias Posts: 169 Member
    thank's for the reply!

    Ramdan mubarak to you to

    Good choice Shanighias but don't go to Heavy on Sahoor like eat normal or a little less

    as for your excerises i dont know michaels body what ever xD

    but i do know P90x i'd love to do it but i can't because it requires pull ups chin ups and i can't do those X_X and dimond "military push ups " cant do those too :P

    There are a lot of ways to do modified exercises for those exercises you mentioned. Youtube or even the DVDs themselves will give u clues. I personally can't don pull ups or chin ups yet, so they showed me a way to do it using the assistance of a chair (you still get the same muscles going). With the diamond push ups you just need to make your diamond wider as in don't have the hands touching the farther apart they are the easier it gets.

    I definitely would recommend P90x to anyone just based on the results I'm seeing so far (only been 3 weeks). I can feel some muscles I forgot I even had.

    yes p90x is great work out....but before starting p90x I want to be more fit so I can keep up with Tony Horton :) after completing body revolution I will start power 90 and in Nov/Dec InsHALLah i will start p90x!!!!!
  • shanighias
    shanighias Posts: 169 Member
    thank's for the reply!

    Ramdan mubarak to you to

    Good choice Shanighias but don't go to Heavy on Sahoor like eat normal or a little less

    Normaly I eat 200-350 cal in breakfast...I can't spend whole day with this amount of energy :) so I am increasing it upto 850 calories with more fat and protien in diet!!!!
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I'd faint going 16 hours & being awake without food & then I'd want to stuff my face when I could eat... how the hell does anyone manage that :|

    Self-control and the large amount of time spent praying (if one does). But it's a lot easier than you think. Mind over matter.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    so random question, are you guys counting Sahur part of the previous day or the new day?
  • Salue
    Salue Posts: 46 Member
    so random question, are you guys counting Sahur part of the previous day or the new day?

    Sahur in my eye is on the new Day! thats how i see it
  • shanighias
    shanighias Posts: 169 Member
    so random question, are you guys counting Sahur part of the previous day or the new day?

    new day!
  • moodsa
    moodsa Posts: 1
    Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters,

    I've personally been prepping for training jut before ifthari in Shaban, I.e no water during weight training and eating just after Magrib. I also fasted a couple of times to test how I would feel if I was fasting for a period of time. I kind of concluded that it's possible to train just before ifthar, say about 90 mins before. But I definitely feel its helped that I've conditioned for it. Today is my first work out during this Ramadan but unfortunately the gym closes at 8pm, with ifthar around 9.30, meaning I'll be in the gym at 6.30, and out before 8, leaving 90 mins before the fast opens. I think I can manage it, lol I'll post back after I've trained.

    Ps Ramadan Mubarak to everyone
  • jamlastsforages

    I just want to applaud everyone for carrying on with lifting weights even in Ramadhan. I haven't started lifting yet (I desperately want to, need to). I've just decided to do home workouts at the moment (alternating JM's 30DS, Ri30, NMTZ and BFBM) and I've decided to do them either right before the pre-dawn meal or right before breaking fast. I've never really exercised before until a few months ago so in terms of physical ability, I'm very interested in seeing how my body responds to fasting and exercising.

    Also, it is very nice to know that there's a Muslim community here on MFP because I can make use of these tips and suggestions for next year, insyaaAllah.

    Have a blessed Ramadhan. :)
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    so random question, are you guys counting Sahur part of the previous day or the new day?

    I'm counting it as a new day

    however so long as you're consistent, i.e. sticking to the same each time, it doesn't matter which you do