How to get motivated to exercise

For me, losing weight by restricting calories alone is working. I don't need to lose much, about 5 pounds, to get to my goal weight. I'm a mom of two, a 3 year old and a 5 month old. My 3 year old is sick and my 5 month old is not sleeping through the night, so I'm one tired mama. My days are active but not to a degree that would improve tone and increase muscle mass.

I'm what you might call "skinny fat." My problem areas are my belly (thanks to two pregnancies) and my hips/thighs/tush. The flab is really just out of control, and my abs are really weak. I really need to get a good workout going, I just don't know how to kick my butt into gear. I'm thinking of trying the 30 day shred for a full body workout in a short period of time, but I'm worried it will be too hard for me and I won't stick with it. My secondary worry is that I will get motivated, stick to it and get the body I want, and then get lazy and lose it again.

So please, motivate me!


  • Feebee4
    Feebee4 Posts: 19 Member
    Just go for it! It's not easy with 2 small children but just do it. The 30DS is an excellent starting point. It was the first exercie dvd I bought and what sold it to me was that's it's only 20mins! Every time I didn't feel like exercising I said to myself 'it's only 20 mins' and then it'll be all over. It's hard to make excuses when it's only 20 mins.It's hard at first but everyday you do the dvd it gets a little easier. It's amazing how quickly your body adapts. Also there are loads of 30DS suport groups on here/FB etc to help keep you motivated. Loads of reviews on Amazon and you can always have a look on utube before you buy it. Good Luck x
  • Feebee4
    Feebee4 Posts: 19 Member
    forgot to say don't expect to lose weight with the shred esp as you haven't that much to lose but you will tone up! It'll look like you have lost weight!
  • 19dobby85
    19dobby85 Posts: 1
    Just get an image in your mind of what you want to achieve, then tell yourself you wont get there by doing nothing! Do a little at a time, building it up in time/intensity until you get there!
  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    I started with shred when I first started this site. My kids are a little at 3 and 6 but I still never seem to get a full night's sleep.

    I would do shred 30 minutes after they were in bed (gave a little time to make sure they were actually asleep - you don't want to have to stop and start the dvd). I made sure I stopped eating by 6pm so I wouldn't have a full stomach and I got my workout clothes on while getting them in their PJS (including my shoes) that way when 8pm rolled around I was already ready to go, so less reason to not do it. Don't sit down once they go to bed either - find something to do (as there always is with small kids) for 30 mins and then go to it.

    I tried it a couple of times when them awake but it was hopeless and I couldn't get in a good workout.

    I didn't do the dvd everyday (normally about 5 times a week). It is a good workout and really set me up for when I joined the gym. I now use the creche or pre-school for the kids and it's obviously a lot easier to get motivated when I have a whole morning.

    Once you get started, it's a lot easier to keep going though. xx
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Find something you enjoy.

    Exercise is much easier when it is fun and something you enjoy doing, rather than a chore.
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    You know what does it for me.... Is the high I get after I worked out and kicked some serious *kitten* in the gym or during a work out. You get this powerful, euphoric, accomplished feeling that is almost like the best drug on the planet and each day I just want my fix. Just another taste of the good stuff ya know. Even the feeling of being sore from a great work out. Dont look down upon the fact that it does suck a bit but it also means you worked hard and are gaining muscle. =0) Sooooo NOW go out and KICK SOME *kitten*!!