Ever get the feeling you were meant to be fat?

I know it's not true, but sometimes I look at myself like such a loser. I am sure lots of people would say that my personality outdoes my appearance. But I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I am an extremely sensitive person who loves animals and loves to craft. I recently took Floral Design classes and they were fun, costly, but fun. I guess I work really hard at trying to be accepted and sometimes that gets me hurt by a lot of people. So, I've had to develop a hard shell over the years. My boyfriend is supportive and very motivational. But sometimes I shut down and that isn't good. I had a rough time as a kid in school, but hopefully as an adult I won't be treated the same way.


  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    About a year or so ago I had given up, I had even started to write down what it was like to live FAT, how I felt and how I felt others saw me. Sometimes if you are walking into a place and have the ability to see people inside before you get in there they are laughing and happy. Then you walk in...the conversations stop everyone stares at the fat man walking in the door and God forbid you walk into a buffet. I've seen people look at me as if I'm going to pull a chair up to the buffet and sit down there. I really never ate that much at buffets but I did eat all the wrong things, the deep fat fried, the creamiest, the breaded stuff. I started seeing a new doctor for my diabetes and his words opened my mind to getting healthy. He told me he could help me live a full life and he could help me lose weight and get my sugars under control. As long as I did my part, he told me to give up starches, I looked at him like he was crazy. I LOVE starches they are a HUGE part of my diet...how did he know...is he reading my mind..no he just knew it. I told him this and he said, " That's what made you fat and keeps your blood sugars high!!!" For the first time I realized he was right, I have a weekly tradition of pizza every Friday...I take a cake pan and layer my meats, veggies, cheese and sauce for my pizza. Resembles a pasta-less lasagna, but it works for me, My blood sugars have leveled off and I'm losing weight. I'm having trouble eating enough calories but I'm eating all my nutrients. So in all I'm not meant to be fat but I will help anyone that wants help, I will have a sympathetic shoulder to cry on, I will listen to anyone that wants that, I will be thinner and healthier. One Meal at a Time...
  • tinlis
    tinlis Posts: 34
    No you, I we were never ment to be fat (unless we have a matabolic disorder or an illness),

    i personally never cared what others thought of me. But I was always contrary. IF you want to be slimmer YOU have to change.
    Do not change to fit into a dress or to wear a bikini or to please someone else, DO IT FOR YOU. Do it slowley but surely.
    I want to lose weight to make myself as fit as possible for the coming aging process. I am 65 years old. Start NOW. Throw out or give away all negative foods. I'm a chocoholic and icecream addict but first I cut down and then I cut my supply off.
    I do not buy negative foods anymore. tinlis
  • tinlis
    tinlis Posts: 34
    :flowerforyou: to write down what it was like to live FAT, how I felt and how I felt others saw me. Sometimes if you are walking into a place and have the ability to see people inside before you get in there they are laughing and happy. Then you walk in...the conversations stop everyone stares at the fat man walking in the door and God forbid you walk into a buffet. I've seen people look at me as if I'm going to pull a chair up to the buffet and sit down there. I really never ate that much at buffets but I did eat all the wrong things, the deep fat fried, the creamiest, the breaded stuff. I started seeing a new doctor for my diabetes and his words opened my mind to getting healthy. He told me he could help me live a full life and he could help me lose weight and get my sugars under control. As long as I did my part, he told me to give up starches, I looked at him like he was crazy. I LOVE starches they are a HUGE part of my diet...how did he know...is he reading my mind..no he just knew it. I told him this and he said, " That's what made you fat and keeps your blood sugars high!!!" For the first time I realized he was right, I have a weekly tradition of pizza every Friday...I take a cake pan and layer my meats, veggies, cheese and sauce for my pizza. Resembles a pasta-less lasagna, but it works for me, My blood sugars have leveled off and I'm losing weight. I'm having trouble eating enough calories but I'm eating all my nutrients. So in all I'm not meant to be fat but I will help anyone that wants help, I will have a sympathetic shoulder to cry on, I will listen to anyone that wants that, I will be thinner and healthier. One Meal at a Time...
  • I have also struggled with my weight my whole life, my best friend was also overweight like me so I wasn't really bothered about being fat because I wasn't alone, but then she started to lose weight and I realised that I was "the fat friend". Luckily I was never bullied for my weight in secondary school, I don't know how that happened!

    Jerbear, I know what you mean about walking into a buffet! Plus in the buffet I sometimes go to there is a huge mirror behind the buffet so you can see yourself getting the food. I personally think that's a bit of an advertising mistake especially if you're weight conscious, but then again it never discouraged me! I only go on my birthday now though so I think I'm allowed.
  • no u guys your are great weight lost is hard do u guys like going places like the park well here a tip walk to the park in stead of driveing i JUST started rideing a bike to the to the store wow that was hard but i met a couple of people and got to here about there life i had to go thur a park on the way home i sat on a bench TO REST and talk to a couple it was nice when I HAD TO GO HOME IF U NO WHAT I MEAN it didt seem that bad u guys are great keep up the good work DOING GOOD and lose get happy if the fat is makeing u feel unhappy do things that make u happy if u like gardening do it u are buring calories even walking from the bedroom to the to liveroom when u wash your hair take a shower LAUGHING burns calories toooo get a real funny movie judy
  • emzyloo88
    emzyloo88 Posts: 145 Member
    HIya, no its all about choices and unfortunatly we sometimes make the wrong ones... Right now i want to eat a massive bag of chocolates but im trying not lol.. and trying to think gym then tea and i should forget about.. Every one looses weight in different stages... cmon pick your self up and crack on x:)
  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    I know what you mean - sometimes it just feels like a
    losing battle BUT, us getting fat may not have been a
    choice for us but getting fit IS. You are doing really well
    and this is a battle you will WIN. You will be a lovely,
    creative, sensitive person who will be at a good weight.

    Keep positive
    Love Nicola xxx :flowerforyou:
  • Show_Stopper
    Show_Stopper Posts: 656 Member
    Every day Aghhhhh
  • kallibrae
    kallibrae Posts: 209 Member
    I know exactly where you're coming from. I never knew what it was like to be skinny. I have been overweight for most of my life. I was bullied for most of my school career.
    I used to think to myself "was I meant to be fat?" and now I think "I was meant to be healthy!"
    It's all about how you view yourself. It took me a long time to figure that out.

    Don't worry! :) You weren't meant to be fat, you were meant to be healthy!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    No you, I we were never ment to be fat (unless we have a matabolic disorder or an illness),

    i personally never cared what others thought of me. But I was always contrary. IF you want to be slimmer YOU have to change.
    Do not change to fit into a dress or to wear a bikini or to please someone else, DO IT FOR YOU. Do it slowley but surely.
    I want to lose weight to make myself as fit as possible for the coming aging process. I am 65 years old. Start NOW. Throw out or give away all negative foods. I'm a chocoholic and icecream addict but first I cut down and then I cut my supply off.
    I do not buy negative foods anymore. tinlis

    even so, I have thyroid troubles and I'm losing weight. There's absolutely NO excuse. If you want it, you can do it. It's not easy.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I feel you... when I was quite overweight (245lbs) I kinda just resigned to the fact that I was meant to be fat and I should get used to it. I am so glad my friend asked me to join her on this journey becuase I am not meant to be fat.... I have worked hard, and I have screwed up, but the internal transformation I have made over the lat 84 lbs is so hard to explain. I love the person I have become, I love the self confidence, the self esteem, and I am slowly learning to love my imperfections....

    You can do it, and you will do it.... just keep at it.... It isn't a sprint... Time will pass anyways so we may as well do something proactive with that time... even if you are only doing it at 75%, it's still better than 0%. you got this.
  • No. I feel so strange being fat. I miss being smaller, I don't feel like myself being fat like this. It's abnormal and I feel ugly and it's like my body is not my own anymore. I wasn't meant to be this way, I did it to myself.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    We all were meant to be fat.
    It's a physiological survival mechanism.
    Remember, we have not evolved one bit in 25,000 years but human society sure has.
    That is our struggle!
    We are battling nature.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    No you, I we were never ment to be fat (unless we have a matabolic disorder or an illness),

    i personally never cared what others thought of me. But I was always contrary. IF you want to be slimmer YOU have to change.
    Do not change to fit into a dress or to wear a bikini or to please someone else, DO IT FOR YOU. Do it slowley but surely.
    I want to lose weight to make myself as fit as possible for the coming aging process. I am 65 years old. Start NOW. Throw out or give away all negative foods. I'm a chocoholic and icecream addict but first I cut down and then I cut my supply off.
    I do not buy negative foods anymore. tinlis

    even so, I have thyroid troubles and I'm losing weight. There's absolutely NO excuse. If you want it, you can do it. It's not easy.

    I have been on thyroid meds for over 12 years... I yo-yo'd becuase I didn't make lifestyle changes, but when I put my mind to it I always lost weight.
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    I really believed that for most of my life but the closer I get to uncovering the real me the less and less I listen to that destructive lie! If I can do this you can!
  • Every day of my life. But then I have to remind myself that no one is meant to be a stationary person.
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    I just told my doctor this the other day. I think my body just wants to be big...or a least that's how I feel when I work my butt off and nothing happens. I am trying really hard to push those feelings out and keep on truckin!
  • blair_bear
    blair_bear Posts: 165
    Every day Aghhhhh
  • I don't know how to answer this question appropriately I've always been a heavyset girl. I really couldn't imagine myself any other way.
  • Yep, totally understand. I have a sister who eats the same way I do, exercises less but is way skinnier than me. It sucks sometimes but I try to look at what my good qualities are and focus on those. I also realize I am not a "naturally thin" person so I will have to work to be fit. Of course I want my body to "look good" but more importantly I want to eat good and exercise for good health. You can do it! Never give up! Even on those bad days, keep on going!:smile: