That was then, this is now. Time to move forward to Future!!

So I'm posting a pic of what I CAN and have looked like at my goal weight and what I look like now. I had let myself go due to life struggles, relationships, bad jobs, etc. I have realized though how miserable I am with myself and how I will never be happy until I feel good about myself again. My relationship is going bad I believe to gaining so much weight and not because my fiance' minds because he loves me no matter, but because I feel terrible and don't love myself anymore so it is hard to love someone else.

Everything hurts-my back, my feet, my knees. It's time to make a change.

So I have started MFP as of yesterday and I have read many message boards on peoples success so I'm going to give it a go! I want ME BACK! I want to feel beautiful, sexy and healthy and YOUNG again!


  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    YAY for you!!! What a great attitude...wake up every day saying "I WILL SUCCEED TODAY" and when you don't well don't beat yourself up...And start all over is about attitude for attitude builds motivation which conquers temptation!!! Add me as a friend if you wish to hold each other accountable!
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    How do you post a note to a message board forum?