5'4 women & Under with little to lose

Hi Im a 41 yr. old female 5'2 and 126. I want to get down to about 118 (on me that is really tiny). I am not having the success I want or have had in the past! I am on a program called Ideal Protein, and have had good results with it in the past. This time..it isnt working! Frustrated and looking for some new Friends with some advice and motivation. :smile:


  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    Hey Doll!
    Im not a pro at this yet but I am learning to the info is new lol. Your body might not be reacting the same as the last time because it's "used to it". You need to keep your muscles and body guessing, so that they can adapt (aka build muscle and loose inches) Try switching it up :) different workout routines and eating habits. Loads of water and veggies with your lean protiens..
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    hey!! i'm 5'4, 22 yr old, 132 lbs looking to get to around 125 (more so until im happy in the mirror i havent weighed myself in a month at least LOL) .... best advice
    -lift HEAVY 4-5x week
    -MINIMAL cardio (2-3x week HIIT if anything)
    -eat!! i try to net bmr and eat all exercise calories
    -be STRESS FREE!!


    ps- you look great now :)
  • Your too fun! :) Just what I need! Well..I assumed that my body might be used to it, but wasnt sure exactly what to do. Anyway, I was thinking of going back to South Beach way of eating. I used to do that..yrs ago. It worked, but again I got used to it and had to switch. These bodies of ours are pretty amazing..and complicated:) Thanks for your advice!
  • Hi! So..heavy lifting and less cardio? That would shock my body..I do the EXACT opposite! lol Maybe that is just what I need. I have never been into weights due to the fact that I had this thinking that it will make me big! I guess I need to change my thinking in order to get this body TONED! Oh and STRESS? HAHAH..I definately need to work on that, and I AM! New attitude coming at ya.Thanks for you help:)
  • susanb8500
    susanb8500 Posts: 19 Member
    Pick up a copy of New Rules of Lifting for Women if you are interested in heavy lifting. I enjoyed the book and the exercises. I did not complete the workout due to an injury, but I plan to get back to it. There's lots of good info in there. You can probably get it at the library to decide if you like it before making a purchase.
  • mrsmorris13
    mrsmorris13 Posts: 225
    Hi Chicky! We are the exact same size! I got down to 118 and I looked like a bobble head! I used to be a cardio finatic, I would drop weight but be "skinny/fat".. I started lifting and I Frikin love it! I read the New Rules book...and It made sense to me. Lifting heavy is great, for me!.....the only thing is I had to do some serious mental adjustments....I had always been a SCALE SLAVE! So, putting on muscle keeps me at my heavier side on the scale....freaked me out at first....until I started seeing the inches coming off. So now I range between 123-129 , but I feel like I am in the best shape of my life. Still working on perfection...haha...ok, progression, but I am very happy in my bikini this summer. Welcome to MFP Girly!
  • Jessamyfrm
    Jessamyfrm Posts: 89
    Hey there!

    I am currently 133lb's standing at 5'4.

    Don't really have a goal, just wanted to lose a little weight, tone up and get healthy.

    Thanks to this website, so far so good! Lost 4lb's so far :D
  • I am 5'2 and would like to be leaner. I don't eat badly although I could do better with regards to eating less grains and doing more exercise. I have successfully lost weight before by going to the gym and doing weights but I am now not a member of a gym and buying weights isn't really an option right now so I am working out using the fitness evolved programme on the x-box 360. I would like to be leaner and stronger and am looking for some support along the way.
  • Thanks hun! So heavy lifting and less cardio? I will sure give it a try!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    I would like to add...you don't have to do heavy lifting. Just lifting or working your muscles. I do not do heavy lifting...my "weights" are calisthenics or 8 pound weights. I have great muscles, they are tiny, but I have them.

    BTW: I am 42 and weigh between 126-128, 5'4.5". I do struggle with wanting to weigh 118, BUT, if I look like I weigh 118, who cares what the scale says...right??? haha!
  • learnbygoing
    learnbygoing Posts: 103 Member
    I'll ditto the "lift heavy" mantra! I'm 5'2" and 129 lbs. I was at my lowest last summer, at 119, and my goal weight is 115 (I have a pretty small frame, so that's a good weight for me). I gained a bunch of weight back over the winter :( But I owe most of my success to lifting, I think - Chalean Extreme and the The New Rules of Lifting. I lift 3x a week and run 2-3x a week (hubby and I are training to do our first 5k this fall).
  • You can feel free to add me! I too need the support we can help each other!
  • This is good to see. I don't have heavy weights so was hoping that body weight exercise would do the job too. :-) I should get some dumb bells too...the ones that I have are very light and don't really do much for my muscles!

    For anyone who is interested in lifting heavy www.stumptuous.com is a great resource with lots of information. It's also written by a woman which I think is very useful for other women as information can be varied on weights.

    I am happy for anyone to add me.
  • kbgwhitty
    kbgwhitty Posts: 6
    Hello fellow "shorties"! I am 5-1 1/2 ( I think I am shrinking!) and 49 yrs. of age. I weigh 120 lbs now after being at my biggest at around 130. As you know, for us little women, even 5 lbs seems like ALOT! I am new here and could use some friends and support. Anyone feel free to add me! I have been working out (jogging, lifting, power walking, swimming) and lost those 10 lbs in about a month's time. But now I feel like I am stuck and need to get that last 10 lbs. off. I like people's ideas here. I eat pretty clean and feel great! Inches ARE melting off too. Have a great day all!:wink:
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    hi im 5'3" currently 114, trying to get down to 110 possibly 105 feel free to add me
  • younglove3
    younglove3 Posts: 23
    Hello ladies! I just joined the "40 Club" in May. I'm 5'2". Been striving for the best shape of my life over the past few years. I lift heavy at least 1x week, then light 1-2x's per week. Training for marathons continuously, and train with husband and boys in karate. You'd think I'd be right where I want to be! haha Food and drink has always been a challenge for me. I recently went gluten-free due to health issues. I've been battling with hip (over use) issues in my training and it's been a pain in my *kitten*, literally! My legs are suffering because I can't do what I want to do, BUT....I'm DETERMINED!!! I WILL PREVAIL! I've come to realize that the number on the scale WILL NOT RULE ME! If I feel good and at least; I think I look good, then it's all good!
    BE TRUE TO YOU, who cares what others think!? We can do each other a great service if we join each other in this journey we call life, being supportive and uplifting!