i have gained!!!!!

had sunch awful week and gained, im now back to where i started. someone kick start me into realising im fat!!!:brokenheart:


  • julest25
    julest25 Posts: 140 Member
    You can do this. Start today, keep a record of all you eat and think about why you ate it. If you're not already doing it get exercising - I use the Davina McCall DVDs they are excellent and fun to do. I also have a treadmill at home so I go on that at least 3 times a week. If I've really overdone the eating I increase the excerise to try to compensate - see my body tone up is really motivating.
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Two other things to remember -

    1. Did you eat a lot of salty stuff? I find I can gain water weight very easily. So when I budget popcorn into my calories I know ahead of time that I am going ot have a couple of pounds hanging around for a few days until it works itself out of my system. That said along with this make sure htat you are drinking enough water so that your body can flush out what it was meant to.

    2. julest25 is totally right about the exercise - It not only helps with the toning up but it also helps your metabolism run better than when you are sedentary. But also remember that sometimes while you are losing fat and gaining muscle you might not see your scale move as fast as you want.

    One last thing - you absolutely need to evaluate what you did and see if you need to make changes - but don't stress about your wieght gain and dwell on it for too long or it could derail you. Just get yourself back on track and move on.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Give yourself a small treat each week (new exercise outfit or bra, manicure, pedicure, new book) for each time you either maintain or lose. Put the a picture or a note of the prize on your refrigerator. Sometimes that can help motivate you when you realize that what you might want for the moment isn't worth losing the prize. That's what I started doing this week (my prize is a weekend away with my husband if we can each lose 15 lb by December) and that is my huge incentive. Just a suggestion.
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    Can't do anything about the past, just move forward and do the best you can.

    It's hard, but you can do it!!!!
  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    ditto, rtmama, moving forward:
    Like jules said, review what you've logged (hopefully, you've been logging). Think about the situations you've been in, what you ate, and why. How can you eat less in those situations in the future.

    I've lost 10 lbs, but it has taken 3 months. Over those three months I've learned to eat smaller portions of things I just can't give up and exercise more.

    Good luck!
  • etey7
    etey7 Posts: 44
    Just take your time and let yourself adjust to your new healthy regimen. It may take awhile and a lot of getting used to but it's definitely worth the wait. Always remember what motivated you in the first place and think of other inspirations that will help you get on track again. It's only human nature to be weak and make mistakes, but you always have the choice to work on being strong enough to pull this through :happy: we're here to support you! :wink:

    Pick yourself up and NEVER EVER give up. We're cheering on you! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Yes you can do this! I started in April but didn't really do anything until probably August. It took a lot of pictures that made me very sad about my weight and we're I've gotten... and buying jeans... I used to wear a 3 now lets just say I'm in the double digits.. Talk about depressing.
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    You can do this. If you need motivation, you could always join a thread and get support and motivation from a group of people!
  • Jentx30
    Jentx30 Posts: 15
    I have fallen off the wagon myself this week. Especially over the weekend. Weekends are always really hard for me to stay on track. I have the all or nothing syndrome when it comes to eating right. If I mess up once I think "oh well, might as well eat bad the rest of the day/weekend and start over again tomorrow or Monday. This is the problem with losing weight. I need to just buckle down and eat right for at least three months. That is how my mother in-law lost 30lbs. I just don't think that I can handle cheat meals..it just throws me off and I end up gaining or not progressing. I've been trying to lose weight for months and I haven't gotten anywhere. I do best by counting calories and keeping track of everything that I put into mouth and workout daily. I also need to give up all processed crap and eat totally clean. I've been reading some stuff about Jillian Micheals and she thinks that processed food makes us fat. I believe her! Good luck to you, we can do this!