Daily Calorie Goal.... Having Troubles

So I am relatively new to this website, and losing weight in general. I have a 1500 calorie goal per day, and I am finding that I am consistently 400 - 500+ under my goal per day so far. My tracker keeps telling me that I need to consume more calories or else I will not be receiving adequate nutrition and my body may enter starvation mode...

I have been eating healthy: Toast for breakfast, salad with eggs and sometimes pork for lunch, usually an apple in the morning and a fat free Astro vanilla yogurt in the afternoon and something relatively low-cal for supper. I may have another yogurt in the evening, or nothing.

Any tips to help with this? Any healthy snack to get my calorie count up?


  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    If you are happy with the amount of food you eat try swapping some of the low fat/low cal versions for full fat/cal versions to help add calories without adding bulk to your diet. You could add peanut butter to your toast, different dressing to your salads, etc. You can add oil for cooking or as a dressing to add more calories for a small amount of food. Ensure you are measuring and counting everything. Sometimes we forget to track the bit of oil used for cooking and that can amount to 100+ calories... the mayo on a sandwich, the butter on toast, the cream/sugar in coffee, etc.
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    i'm having this problem too! I LOVE vegetables and there just so many around in the summer to choose from. I hate the feeling when it's 8:00 at night that I "have" to eat something just to get my calories up. I think I'm going to go out and get some protein bars or Kashi granola bars or something for a little "boost" in calories on the days I think I'll need it.
  • kdrogers24
    Thanks, these are great suggestions! I guess I should have thought of buying the "whole" products instead of the fat free version. Also, Kashi bars sound like they will be a good boost- and I love granola bars!

    I will start tracking my food better, because at this point I do not track the oil I use when cooking and such, and then see where I need to go from there.

    Thanks a bunch!