Foods You'll Think Twice About Now



  • myfitnessisavirtue
    myfitnessisavirtue Posts: 673 Member
    soy sauce! wow the sodium!!
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Considering I started using MFP to make sure I was eating enough fat, there's nothing that has suprised me or made me think twice.

    If anything I get reminded to eat more.
  • mocha106
    mocha106 Posts: 64 Member
    Oreo cookies, 2 cookies are 140 calories. I remember that I used to buy a big pack and eat one sleeve without any thought. Also Doritos, I bought a small bag to go with my sandwich the other day but did not realize they are 260 calories. Good thing I looked before I indulged.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Nuts & cheese, I do still eat both, but I am really careful with my portion sizes.

    Yogurt, except Greek yogurt which I eat every day.

    Generic nibbles, so easy to pile on the calories by eating a little of this, and then a little of that etc.

    Dining out as its so difficult to calculate calories eaten.

    And of course pizza, chips (fries), ice cream and lager all of which I am a big fan of :bigsmile:
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    Salads at restaurants, did you know most restaurant salads have more calories, fat, and carbs than a burger and fries from the same place? A lot of your major chain restaurant salads are easily over 1000 calories and 80-100g of fat. And many salad dressings, vinegarettes aren't always the healthiest, where I worked at the bleu cheese dressing was lowest in everything and our vinegarette was the highest in everything.

    Bojangles...even though I still do indulge in its deliciousness, and sweet tea....oh how I miss them.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    The grams of sugar that we are cautioned to eat under (40 grams a day) is meant for food with "ADDED" soda, candy, bread, etc. It wasn't meant for food with natural sugar like fruits or veggies (unless you are diabetic) don't confuse refined added sugar with that kind of sugar unless you are about to get up on stage for a contest. I go over every day because I eat a ton of veggies and a little fruit..hardly ever eat food with added sugar though.

    Second....I think twice about eating out just about anywhere especailly big chain restaurants like Applebee's. I mean come on, do you really need to soak your food in salt? 7000 mg's of sodum in one meal? But hey, it's inder 500 calories so it must be ok, right? NOT! I can't believe I ever ate that crap.
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    I think twice about potatoes, mainly because I've realised how much tastier and lower calories sweet potatoes are as an alternative. For other things I think twice about how much of them I eat - i.e I weigh my pasta instead of pouring what LOOKS like 100g into the saucepan... Beyond that, as someone already said, I WILL run 4 donuts! (or cookies, or chocolate, or creamy curry sauce, or Dominos....)
  • mcarmon
    mcarmon Posts: 22 Member
    I am now thinking twice about anything that comes in a box from a factory, especially if it's labeled with ingredients I can't pronounce. I don't make my own pasta yet and I still indulge in processed soy products (I'm vegetarian and need protein) but I'm slowly shifting other processed foods out of my diet. Last time around, I lost the weight relying pretty heavily on processed diet foods, and I think that's part of the reason my body still didn't feel good. This time, I'm trying to change my diet by cooking almost all of my meals and eating fresh foods. It takes more time, but I think it will be worth it for me. I'm already starting to develop a craving for fresh vegetables. Hopefully the cravings for greasy popcorn and sugary everything will soon be replaced with cravings for fruit and healthy snacks.
  • tanayar
    tanayar Posts: 6 Member
    i havent given up pinto beans just instead of eating them twice a day i eat them more like once a week lol everything is pretty much ok in portion. for example i know those bean and cheese burritos i love so much are far from "good" for me and i wont be convinced that they are :)
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    Jalapeno Poppers - they used to be one of my fave things to get when out at the bar, but not now.
    Long Island Iced Tea - 700 calories :noway: ?!?!? I don't think so!
    French Fries - I don't eat fries at all anymore and I used to have them at least once a week. :cry:
  • mistifiedrt
    mistifiedrt Posts: 8 Member
    I think twice about my portion sizes now. Was craving pizza the other day, so instead of ordering a large pepperoni and banana pepper pizza like usual and eating 4 slices, me and my boyfriend instead got a personal pan with banana peppers only (2 small pieces each) and split a salad. It was a 500 cal dinner as opposed to 1200+. Quite an improvement for a self-admitted fast food addict.
  • becjerami
    becjerami Posts: 80

    I don't think twice about any of them. I eat it all. That's what running is for.

    THIS ^^
    Love it!
  • evilmonkee
    evilmonkee Posts: 55 Member
    Most types of booze. Not only it's high in calories, but also even a single glass can affect my long runs, especially if I'm not really careful about drinking tons of water. I still drink a glass or wine or a nice microbrew here and there, but it's very infrequent.

    I am also pretty careful about measuring nuts, peanuts, and nut butters. I love them, and I eat them almost daily, but it's really easy to eat 500+ calories worth of nuts without thinking, so I make sure that my 1 oz serving is not actually 3 oz.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    Olives! 4 black olives = 25 calories (no biggie), 2.5 grams of fat (just for olives!). That sucks. I put olives in a lot of recipes. I knew they were high in sodium, but I didn't realize they had fat.

    Yes, but they have good fat in them. Olives are very good for you. Edit: I LOVE olives. I eat them wayyyy too much just straight out of the jar haha

    Avocados are also like that: high in fat, but good fat.
  • vivianngo
    vivianngo Posts: 21
    Alcohol, peanuts, and any/all types of fast foods!
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    cheese :(
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Olives! 4 black olives = 25 calories (no biggie), 2.5 grams of fat (just for olives!). That sucks. I put olives in a lot of recipes. I knew they were high in sodium, but I didn't realize they had fat.

    Yes, but they have good fat in them. Olives are very good for you.

    Edit: I LOVE olives. I eat them wayyyy too much just straight out of the jar haha

    Second that, Olives are extremely good for you and are a great source of needed fat! So are avocados!!!
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    I think twice about white bread, Pasta, butter, white rice, and potatoes

    I do still have them on occasions but make sure i compensate in my exercise but prefer seeded brown bread now to white
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    bread and cheese mostly

    I do eat bread occasionally. I like cheese on veggie burgers so it covers both bread and cheese LOL but I avoid them often.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    premade meals(microwave dinners/entrees) omg sodium... I have been doing better on eating more real food, but my supplies were low so a couple of days i slipped up. The calories I can burn, but the sodium... sweat baby sweat! lol other than that I suppose it will be excreted eventually..