Question for People who have lost a lot of weight :)

Hiya! Was just wondering.. I've lost very almost 6 stone & never really noticed the difference until the past few weeks where I can really tell. I still have 5-6 stone to go but was wondering.. How do I put this.. Does the weight loss show faster the smaller you are? Like when I was 20st I'd loss 14lb and not notice but now I'm smaller will it make a bigger difference. Does that make sense?!


  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    Yes, someone who weighs less will 'show' a weight loss with less weight to lose. I'm in the US so I'm not very familiar with the stone weight of measurement, but for me I know that typically people don't notice I've lost anything until I've lost 20-30 pounds. But my thinner friends will get noticed if they've lost 5-10 pounds.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Yes, people notice now when I like 3 pounds it seems but in the beginning I had lost 30 and people didn't really notice.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    Yes, someone who weighs less will 'show' a weight loss with less weight to lose. I'm in the US so I'm not very familiar with the stone weight of measurement, but for me I know that typically people don't notice I've lost anything until I've lost 20-30 pounds. But my thinner friends will get noticed if they've lost 5-10 pounds.

  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Yes, and when I had a much lower body fat % I could monitor my skin folds daily (just pincing with my fingers) and instantly tell if I was losing or gaining fat.
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    Yes!! The more I lost the more obvious it was :) The first 60ish pounds... well it didn't really change my "shape"... my fat rolls were still there, in the same place, they were just smaller. After that point my shape started to change... my body smoothed out a bit and my waist pulled in etc... it was much more obvious at this point!! Now that I am closer to goal (less than 30!) the changes are there, but mainly only to me because its coming from less obvious places (like, my ring size is going down and my feet are less wide).
  • JayBee838
    JayBee838 Posts: 7
    Thanks for the replies! Im really noticing how baggy everything is at the moment and it's really spurring me on :)