cardio during menstrual cycle



  • julialla
    julialla Posts: 232 Member
    I usually get the worst cramps, and am unable to stand up. So I listen to my body and only do what I can physically bare to do. Which means eating, sleeping, an watching tv cuddled up!

    Add...And I gain around 5 pounds, before it starts. Keep the weight on, and then I see the drop a few days after it has ended. So I've been avoiding te scale for the past week :p
  • xLellyx
    xLellyx Posts: 9 Member
    Can you feel the love in this forum!!?

    I think it's definitely a case of it being different for everyone and listening to your body is the best thing to do, always.

    Personally, I know I'll perform a little below par during the first 3 days (mine lasts around 5 days). So, in the days before I step it up and try to do a bit more to compensate. During the blessed first few days I work a lot of upper body strength as I don't find being on has any bearing on my ability to lift. So, I'll work shoulders and chest and arms over the days. Cardio wise, I tend to do some High intensity interval training here. Short, sweet, and gets the heart rate up. More importantly, means I'm not in the gym for any longer than I need to be when the lure of the settee is calling.

    What I would say is to make sure your nutrition is on top during this time. Make sure you eat lots of green leafy veg for Iron. Stick loads of spinach, Kale, iced water and some honey in a blender, blitz and down for a big iron hit :D

    Hope this helps

  • xLellyx
    xLellyx Posts: 9 Member
    totally agree- I used to avoid working out during the time but I've really found that working out negates some of the horrible side effects .x.
  • quickchekgal
    quickchekgal Posts: 213 Member
    Ugh I felt horrible when I tried to exercise on my period. Mine are irregular so I dont get one every month usually..but when I do I take it easy.
  • MissShancey
    MissShancey Posts: 464
    right now is my TOM and i killed the gym this afternoon ... i find that once i put clothes on im fine and can do anything .. but keeping on the p.js and cuddling up on the couch in my snuggie is always the only thing i want to do ... once i get dressed then im fine i can work out .. its just taking the first step that sucks
  • tamtamzz
    tamtamzz Posts: 142
    It is difficult for me. I notice two or three days before that I'm getting pretty tired and sluggish. The first day is pretty tough, but I solider through it. No, I do not feel better afterwards. It just sucks all the way around, but I can't stop because that means I'm missing a good 10 days out of the month in terms of exercise. Can't have that! I don't have much of an issue with cramps and whatnot, it's the tired, sluggish, I don't wanna be bothered feeling that bothers me the most.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I always try and power through but I don't beat myself up if I can't manage it. I find when I do get up and exercise I feel happier, less crampy and less of a totally-bloated-hideous-monstrosity ;) Just do what feels right for you! I don't know about all these tampon ads where people are mountain-climbing or roller-blading in tiny shorts but I know I can always manage 30 mins of a Jillian DVD at the least! :)
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    I feel my worst 1 week before my girl issues. I'm bloated, cranky, and in a constant state of fatigue. I can gain up to 5 pounds of water weight, especially when I give in to my craving for salty food and soda (which I only EVER crave during that week prior...).

    Once it starts though I feel so much better and all the trappings of that time don't bother me so much.