I know this is rude/mean but...

Swanson83 Posts: 226 Member
Last night I was apart of a group that put on a benefit for a friend/classmate of mine from high school. (Their son has Double inlet left ventricle Syndrom) It has been 10 year since we graduated from high school. Since then I have had 3 children. I (like some moms) put on some weight and had troubles getting it off. In November 2011 I joined MFP! I started my journey and after that short of time with a lot of sweat and pain I am almost to my goal. Back to last night....One of our classmates that came to the benefit was one of my best friends in school. In fact she was in my wedding. Since then something happened that I don't even know what, but she doesn't want to have anything to do with me. Which hurts but I as hard as I try to get close to have a conversation she tries just as hard to avoid it. In high school she was tiny I mean like a size 2 maybe 3. She has had one child. Before she had him she started to gain a little weight now she is close to a size 18. And though I feel bad that she has to deal with her weight struggles, it felt good that I was taking care of my health and could be proud. Like I said this is MEAN and RUDE! But the way she makes me feel that she can't even say hi to me and I have to chase her down to get even a 'Hi' it hurts. Someone said once that Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. That is how I felt last night. "You may hate me but I am working hard on feeling good no matter what how you feel about me." Ran through my head and I smiled a little. I will get over her hating me but I hope that it comes to the fact that she will get over whatever it is and we can be friends again.