What do Polish, Welsh people look like?



  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    I am half polish quarter American and quarter English.....I can honestly say that I know what she means about the Polish side....it's the nose and the mouth...you can pick us out of a crowd anywhere lol!!!
    Not sure about the welsh...will have to take a better look at my step children!!

    I work with about 30 polish people and they all look different, and whisper it, some of them are black! Shhhhh

    And I was about to say they probably don't look like me. Foiled again!
  • firstawake
    I'm Polish. I have dark blond ( sandy?) hair, pale complexion, dark blue eyes, plump lips ( lower lip quite fat), small to medium nose, no distinct cheekbones . My face seems a bit flat possibly losing weight would add dimension to it.I look like a lot of Polish girls, but of course there are a lot of Polish people who look different then I do. I cant say I look very different than many other people here in US, well maybe they take a look and can see I'm Polish. Nobody yet told me I look Polish.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    haha thats funny, wonder what nationality people think I am. No one has ever said something like that too me. I didn't get the prominent features my brother got, that give it all away lol
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    haha thats funny, wonder what nationality people think I am. No one has ever said something like that too me. I didn't get the prominent features my brother got, that give it all away lol

    i guess im wrong but i would say somewhere from russia, maybe belarus or ukraine
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member


    & pretty too!
  • wonderstruck91
    wonderstruck91 Posts: 107 Member
    Ermm, not exact however my mother's family is Lithuanian & my fathers family is Welsh!
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member


    & pretty too!

    Half Polish, half Italian.
  • Maaarkk
    Maaarkk Posts: 93 Member
    wonder if i look irish... lol
  • 84woolf
    84woolf Posts: 153
    Some of the responses on here are hilarious. Primarily the ones insinuating that where a person is from does not or cannot matter in regards to looks. I live in a city that is heavily only 1st or 2nd gen Canadian and so our 'backgrounds' come into convo often. You can ABSOLUTELY apply certain physical charcteristics to certain peoples. Of course its not applicable to everyone but there are 100% hints if someone takes on said characteristics. Not all do. I can pick a Croatian out of a crowd, a Polish, etc.

    To say its racist is downright dumb. Its simple physiology and science. Each country has its own 'stereotypical' feature...some have height, squarer heads, bigger noses, etc.

    Yes, a person can 'look' Polish.
    Obviously the people saying otherwise haven't traveled to diff countries in Europe. HELL YES there can be indications physically.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    haha thats funny, wonder what nationality people think I am. No one has ever said something like that too me. I didn't get the prominent features my brother got, that give it all away lol

    i guess im wrong but i would say somewhere from russia, maybe belarus or ukraine

    Im a mut really. Romanian and Latvian on my dads side.
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    1/2 welsh do I look like it?
  • flying_inside
    flying_inside Posts: 67 Member
    Welsh or "celts" traditionally have more rugged features, this is also true of the Scot's & Irish.

  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    < Irish, German, Scottish, English, Austrian, Polish, French and Dutch....

    mostly Irish and German. I've always been told I have very Irish features (Pale. Green eyes, Light brown hair, Freckles, and apparently an "irish chin") but my husband says my main bones are Germanic in size. my extremities are very small, but my ribs, hips, etc. stick out because I guess they're larger.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Funny, I went into a family diner and this little old lady told me I had very Polish lips and nose and a very Welsh and Irish shape of my face... I'm not sure I've ever been able to pick out these features on anyone else or what makes them stand out of a crowd... but the lady was right, I am.

    Please help me with a description/pictures!

    What a very rude old lady!
    :huh: how so? How is that even an insult? :laugh:
    Some of the responses on here are hilarious. Primarily the ones insinuating that where a person is from does not or cannot matter in regards to looks. I live in a city that is heavily only 1st or 2nd gen Canadian and so our 'backgrounds' come into convo often. You can ABSOLUTELY apply certain physical charcteristics to certain peoples. Of course its not applicable to everyone but there are 100% hints if someone takes on said characteristics. Not all do. I can pick a Croatian out of a crowd, a Polish, etc.

    To say its racist is downright dumb. Its simple physiology and science. Each country has its own 'stereotypical' feature...some have height, squarer heads, bigger noses, etc.

    Yes, a person can 'look' Polish.
    Obviously the people saying otherwise haven't traveled to diff countries in Europe. HELL YES there can be indications physically.
    What country someone comes from has absolutely no effect and is no indication of what they look like.

    I totally agree. It's verging on racism, IMO.

    If one can accept the existence of genetic diversity across regions, and recognize that familial characteristics are shared; then one must accept that Asians, Africans, Indians, Teutons, American Indians, Mexicans & (too many more to cite) all have features that may indicate one's bloodline.

    Political correctness is nothing more than another means of oppression. Allow us to enjoy our differences without the ignorant racist accusation BS.

    I so much agree! It's a form of oppression. Let's celebrate the differences.
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    What country someone comes from has absolutely no effect and is no indication of what they look like.

    I totally agree. It's verging on racism, IMO.

    Google "osteology". There are specific traits (bone shape, eye color, hair color, etc) associated with each region of the world. It has nothing to do with racism. It's BIOLOGY.

    Forensic anthropologists often use these traits to help identify unidentified bones/corpses. For example, if they know a skeleton is Nordic, they'll give them blue eyes and blonde hair in a sketch.
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    I'm very polish! =)
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    Born and raised in Poland but got no characteristics of the race/ethnics aparently.
    Uterly mixed racial ancestry, think hungarian/prussian/russian/shmushian and bit of jewish from my mother side...Dating a german that ... /looks/ german. Dreading to think how our babies will look like (hopefully ginger :D )..

    Cant pic another polish person from crowd to save my lifeNever get identified as polish myself, just "slavic".
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    What country someone comes from has absolutely no effect and is no indication of what they look like.

    Whatever school you went to owes you a refund.
  • kristaleighwhite
    kristaleighwhite Posts: 39 Member
    I am part Polish (and Ukrainian) and part Irish (amongst other British countries) but was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. I couldn't have told you what a "typical" Polish person looked like until I went to a Polish festival a few years ago and realized I was surrounded by people with similar features to mine; primarily the round face and light eyes. My maternal side is of Irish descent, and I got my freckles and a few red streaks in my hair from there.
