Should you net 1200? Or Net your BMR?

Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
I've been struggling for over three months trying to find the right balance. Been the EXACT same weight since March 31.... was eating way too low..and am gradually trying to bring the numbers up to no less that 1200 a day after exercise. Could I still be at starvation mode at 1200? Or should I eat my estimate daily just living calories(BMR) of more 1500 for my body height and weight?

I recently..have done a shift away from too much cardio(was 1hr a day with 30 mins weights 6days week) There is some pros and cons to this..on many of the talk on here.... But what I was doing ...wasnt working..I prefer weight training anyways :) I just wonder if I was exercising TOO much for weight loss(That doesnt make sense!!!) ;) I've brought it down to 2-3 days cardio...3 days weight training...

Any advice? I am still "textbook" overweight...but I tend to be very muscular.. Granted..I still need to lose be on the very HIGH side of what I should weight for height...

I also..have not noticed any huge difference in measurements either.. just a firming..per say. No lower sizes...etc. Just toned...


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    nobody can tell you how many calories you need to eat as We don't know your age, height or weight.

    work out

    BMR, then TDEE, then eat 20% less than TDEE for weight loss, every day.

    Work out your calorie needs for yourself, it's easy.
  • calitravelingal
    I don't have an answer but have been wondering the same thing. I eat about 1600 cal (before exercise) but don't always net 1200 cal at the end of the day (I average between 400 and 600 cal burns at the gym min 5 days a week). I'm still losing weight but wonder if this is gonna make me stall soon. Which # should i be aiming to eat?
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    After reviewing your diary for the month of July, it's clear that you are not eating enough. If you've been 500-1,000 calories under goal every day since March, (like you were in July) your metabolism has slowed down because you are starving your body for fuel.

    Check out the "Eat More to Weigh Less" group here on MFP, read about TDEE and BMR there and do a reset to get back on track.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    I will check out that group! Thanks!!! If I go by the other gentleman's comment on this board..BMR, then TDEE, then eat 20% less than TDEE for weight loss... I should be eating 2000! 2000?? To lose weight??. Yes..this is VERY hard for me to grasp right now !!
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    I was doing exactly what you were.. high burns at gym..7 days a week.....and even lower calories(probably 1200 only when I started).. just dont be surprise if it stalls..and then try to get your head around the fact that you have to bump up calories to lose more weight?? ;)
  • Aries03
    Aries03 Posts: 179 Member
  • 2BhappyBhealthy
    2BhappyBhealthy Posts: 181 Member
    After reviewing your diary for the month of July, it's clear that you are not eating enough. If you've been 500-1,000 calories under goal every day since March, (like you were in July) your metabolism has slowed down because you are starving your body for fuel.

    Check out the "Eat More to Weigh Less" group here on MFP, read about TDEE and BMR there and do a reset to get back on track.

    this. You need to NET at LEAST your BMR (PLUS exercise cals) if you're working out that much. I know it's hard to grasp at first - but be patient. I used to net closer to 1000 (on a good day) and was just stuck there until I started EATING MORE. Now I never go to bed hungry - and I wake up starving! You have got to fuel your body so it can efficiently burn calories/energy.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Hard to grasp the fact that you can lose weight by eating more, but it's true!

    Definitely check out the Eat More To Weigh Less group, as well as these topics: (great for figuring goals and calories) (inspiring for eating more and lifting weights) (great info on under eating and over training problems)

    I keep these three bookmarked and share them all the time - all three have helped me tremendously.

    You asked about netting 1200 or BMR - personally, I make sure I've at least netted my BMR for the day. If the body uses that much while laying in bed all day, I figure I should give it at LEAST that much when up and active and exercising.