Plateau :,(

Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
I'm WAY off my goal weight but 22lb down and I've been stuck at this weight for a good month now...
Here are my 'reports' for a quick overview... Any suggestions PLEASE?

(Sorry I did try the whole [ img ] [ /img ] thing with no joy....)

Thanks in advance :smile:


  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    A co-worker of mine is a former body builder and still works out daily. I knew I would reach a plateau at some point and so asked her what to do to get past it when it hit. She gave me two bits of advice which I will pass on to you. Two or three times a week, go slightly over your calorie limit. If your brain is in starvation mode, it will shut down your metabolism. Eating a little more a couple times a week turns off that starvation mode and fools the brain into thinking you are eating "normally" again. You will start losing again when you go back to keeping within your calorie count. She also told me to jump start my heart while exercising. If you normally walk, for example, for about 5 to 10 minutes, either jog or walk double time. Then settle down again. Increasing your heart rate, even for that small amount of time will help with your metabolism.
    I looked up my friend's advice concerning going over my calorie count on line and found another website that agreed with her so, when I felt I was approaching a plateau, I tried it. Lo and behold, that week, I lost 2 LBS!
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I do over on my calories on occasion (not always on purpose, lol)
    How much do you go over on your spike days?
    My exercise in mostly RPM & BodyPump. I saw some people think your body can get 'used' to these... should I be trying something different?

    Thanks for your reply twinteensmom :smile:
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Can you open your diary?
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Can you open your diary?

    Its generally only open to friends but really do need help so just opened for all (scary!)
    On the whole I know I'm not great on sugar but I figured I lost 22lb still having a bit of what I fancy...? But all suggestions welcomed even if its not what I'd like to hear lol. x
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    No offense, because you seem like a really sweet person - but you eat a lot of junk. :(

    Try giving up the chocolates, cakes and nutella for a week or 2. That's all. Look up clean eating, more protein, whole foods like almonds and fruits. It might do the trick.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Lol there is lots to cut out but in defence of the Nutella I tried a number of other breakfast and was STARVING by 11am. Sometimes I can't get lunch till 4pm and I find it fills me up till then (and from a kcal POV was lower the Weetabix :ohwell: is that a bad reason to choose it?!)

    The rest of the crap there isn't much excuse... this weeks been particularly sugar loaded as lack of weight lost made me get back to the emotional eating.

    Its mad how there isn't much fruit as I LOVE it but the OH doesn't at all so don't seem to buy much. I'll start to make the effort to keep some in work though so I don't have to resort to crap like Pizza Pockets (I HATE Pizza was just convenience) Thanks!

    REALLY struggle with quick lunches for work... some ideas would be great if you have any... :smile:

    (And do people find that the macros make a big difference as opposed to just being under on calories?)
  • gmichaelguy
    gmichaelguy Posts: 123 Member
    No offense, because you seem like a really sweet person - but you eat a lot of junk. :(

    Try giving up the chocolates, cakes and nutella for a week or 2. That's all. Look up clean eating, more protein, whole foods like almonds and fruits. It might do the trick.

    You can lose weight as long as you have a calorie deficit even if it's junk. But I think the biggest risk is since your foods are full of so many "bad calories" it will be easy to slip back into weight gain if you're not extremely careful with portions. I would starve all day if I ate the food in your diary because I'd be hungry constantly and probably give in and overeat. Instead of going all out health food addict overnight, why not pick one or two items you eat regularly and see if you can find a more healthful version of it. Gradually you my transition to all healthier foods as you discover options you didn't know about. Try a natural no sugar added peanut or cashew or almond butter with wheat toast instead of your breakfast maybe? Nutella is yum, but maybe a treat.

    I'd also make sure you are weighing everything. As I said, your foods lend themselves to small errors in portions having huge calorie changes.

    But I wish you all the best in your journey. If it were easy and quick, everyone would do it.
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    I pretty much have a protein shake or bar for breakfast and another protein shake w/ sugar free jello:flowerforyou: and fruit for lunch. The protein gives me energy and is "handy". I save most of my calories for "night-time" that's where I struggle more. Good luck to you!
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    You can lose weight as long as you have a calorie deficit even if it's junk. But I think the biggest risk is since your foods are full of so many "bad calories" it will be easy to slip back into weight gain if you're not extremely careful with portions.

    Well thats what I thought up to now... I'm really good at portions (I use measuring spoons, scales etc) so I was curious if it was a sugar/junk issue?

    In terms of WEIGHT LOSS (I realise than nutrients will be far better in healthier choices) is (for example) 100kcal of Banana better than 100kcal of Nutella? I'm so confused by it all! x
  • jessgarr27
    jessgarr27 Posts: 78
    Omg i def understand ;/ i didnt lose a pound for a month and a half i gave up and started eating whatever drinking a ton of beer and just didnt care... Lol.. but i woke up one day and just started again i actually statred weight lifting not alot but enough and i do resitance training .. ive loat almost 10 pounds since .. u just need to figre out what works for u .. and honestly unless u go over your calorie budget for the day u wont gain weight .. ya sugar iant always the best for u but if u stay wirhin ur means ull be ok ;) i knw this personally .. try switching to fruit instead and dark chocolate .. and for me if i cant controll it in moderation i dont eat ot until i can .. the first and last bite tastes the same trust me .. ive lost 45 pounds staying within my caloriw means it works and i have horribe food choice days .. were human at the end of the day ;) add me if u want extra support ;)))))
  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    I gained 12 lbw eating Nutella during the winter while going to the gym 6 times a wk. CLEAN food must be implemented. keep trying to substitute it.
  • parmoute
    parmoute Posts: 99 Member
    REALLY struggle with quick lunches for work... some ideas would be great if you have any... :smile:

    Is it possible for you to heat up food at work (you mentioned Pizza Pockets...)? Eating at work is also an issue for me but I have access to a microwave, so I make a 3-4 serving batch of something I like, put it away pre-portioned in containers and throw one into my bag on my way out in the morning.

    For example, tonight I chopped up 2 zucchini and 2 cups of fresh green beans and added a small pack of spinach tortellini and a jar of alfredo sauce. Tossed it all together in a casserole dish, sprinkled bread crumbs and parmesan cheese on top and baked it for 25 mins @ 350 F. Dished it out into 4 containers (well, 3 -- serving 4 was dinner!), used MFP's recipe function and voila: a 400 calorie (mostly veggie) lunch I can just heat and eat.

    Having something like that pre-made also helps me with the emotional eating: it's harder to justify going out of my way to acquire feel-good food when I have something healthy that requires even less effort staring back at me from the fridge.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Omg i def understand ;/ i didnt lose a pound for a month and a half i gave up

    Thats how I'm feeling at the moment! Wondering why I'm getting up a 5.15am for the gym when its doing nothing!
    So frustrating.... :sad:

    Have a holiday back home next week (Soo excited to have a social life even if only for 10 day - Will be lots of boozy night out & eating out so will just log as best I can - I am taking my gym kit though!) and was hoping to be significantly lighter/thinner by now.

    Definitely going to take some of the great advice on board from the day I get back, in this for the long haul. PLEASE keep your experience and advice coming, its really appreciated x
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    For example, tonight I chopped up 2 zucchini and 2 cups of fresh green beans and added a small pack of spinach tortellini and a jar of alfredo sauce. Tossed it all together in a casserole dish, sprinkled bread crumbs and parmesan cheese on top and baked it for 25 mins @ 350 F. Dished it out into 4 containers (well, 3 -- serving 4 was dinner!), used MFP's recipe function and voila: a 400 calorie (mostly veggie) lunch I can just heat and eat.

    Having something like that pre-made also helps me with the emotional eating: it's harder to justify going out of my way to acquire feel-good food when I have something healthy that requires even less effort staring back at me from the fridge.

    That sounds delicious (although I wouldn't usually eat 400kcal for lunch) but will definitely look at doing something similar. Ooh what other recipes do you have?

    Right so goals so far from this thread:
    - Healthier choice on snacks (have fruit available in work for stressy days rather than choc)
    - Batch cook lunches - reheat in work
    - Keep up weighing EVERYTHING

  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I gained 12 lbw eating Nutella during the winter while going to the gym 6 times a wk. CLEAN food must be implemented. keep trying to substitute it.

    What do you eat for breakfasts? Be good to hear some alternatives that will still keep me full. Thanks :smile:
  • jessgarr27
    jessgarr27 Posts: 78
    DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOURSELF U ARE WORTH IT..... Do beat yourself up everyday over weight .. this is how i see it and it took me soooo long to understand this .. it takes time to lose weight .. period .. u didnt gain it all over night u ate like **** everyday sidnt work out and over time gained the weight and somewhere in there u woke up because u werr sick of feeling like crap ... You my dear have already made the hardest steps possible .. possible .. u got up and u changed ;))) u workout now and u stick with what u can ... We all go through it .. everyday is a brand new dat i swear to u ... Baby steps is key and education .. learn your body and what works for u .. i cant eat alot of sodiom learned that the hard way .. i cant eat dairy anymore or pork so boom wliminated .. find what u like and stick with it .. u getting up at 5 am isnt for nothing even tho u cant see it its working ;)) put that scale away and always remeber this is your life yoyr body your health ... YOU ARE WORTH IT ;))))))))))))
  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    " I'm getting up a 5.15am for the gym when its doing nothing! "

    exercise is only 20%
    food is 80%
    Clean food is the KEY

    I am on a plateau too for 1 mth & 1/2...I have a clean diet but workout too much...Imagine that....its harming me.

    You still have a bit to lose so just some light workout will do ...Focus on cleaning up your diet! Its not easy I have been researching and learning for 3 mths. I completely changed my grocery list BUT to things I like eating. it has to be a lifestyle not a temporary change so you have to like the clean food you pick. NO sugar NO Nutella.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Plateaus are a part of your body and metabolism catching up to your weight loss. Try not to sweat it. In the end, there's no guaranteed way to break past it. Just keep working hard and you will start to see progress again eventually. Hang in there. Good luck.
  • blaquebutterfly75
    blaquebutterfly75 Posts: 136 Member
  • TrinaJ11
    TrinaJ11 Posts: 159 Member
    Something I've found that's helped my plateau was eating more. I'm at 1600 cals on days I don't workout and can get up to 1800 NET on the days that I do. According to your diary you net anywhere between 900-1300. Try increasing calories (was scary to me at first) for a month and see how your body responds.