Girl's Topic

I have to say being a women totally sucks most of the time!! I am 28 and in the pre stages of menopause. My periods have gotten worse over the last year or so and then to add on these terrible hot flashes. It gets so bad and I am in so much pain that it makes me almost puke! But at the same time all I want to do is eat crappy food that I used to eat...especially CHOCOLATE and lots of it!!! Once a month I just have no motivation to do anything but sit on the couch and veg out and watch TV. I have lost 33 pounds in 11 weeks and would really like to lose another 17 in 4 weeks before I go to my class reunion! I need some support or something!! Sorry all, just venting!!


  • sheiwat
    sheiwat Posts: 47
    33 lbs in 11 weeks.....great job...pat urself on the back...whats your secret???///
  • dramaqueen0619
    dramaqueen0619 Posts: 32 Member
    Portion control, walking to work every day, and putting down EVERYTHING that I eat!! MFP is the best since this is the first diet that has ever worked for me!
  • MsDivineM
    MsDivineM Posts: 48
    Awesome job! I have lost 30 in 83 days, but i gotta tell you, its been very hard work! I have horrible periods too and my proves it. I usually lose the 2 weeks before and during my period I just stay the same, then the next 2 weeks I tend to gain again! It sucks so bad. I have found that pushing myself even harder on my period and working through the cramps helps ease them, maybe cuz i hurt everywhere else, but hey, whatever works, right! Keep up the great job, come on you can do it!
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    wow!!!! 33 pounds in 11 weeks!!!!! that's awesome!!!!!

    celebrate the awesomeness of your accomplishments!!!! I'm doing the best I can to lose the last 10 -15 pounds. :P it's been a struggle cause my body always fights me on this! lose fat gain muscle.... the scale just doesn't show me what I want to see. and at 47, it's a real challenge to lose fat anyway... :P

    chocolate's not so bad... dark chocolate is awesome!!!! but.... yeah, portion control is a must. :S
  • EvilMomma
    EvilMomma Posts: 70 Member
    Perimenopause at 28! You poor thing...and yet you're able to lose weight and keep your sanity? Good going... I'm 51, peri and have my good months and my bad months. The bad ones are full of hot flashes, cravings, and biting the heads off small children and husbands. The good months are good for losing weight, being cheerful, and feeling frisky. If you aren't seeing a doc about the stupid hormones, do so ASAP; there's help for us. Or visit your local vitamin and herb shop...
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    Are you sure about the peri stage of menopause? 28 is very very young for that.....but your symptoms sound a lot like polycystic ovary syndrome? Just a thought. Both my daughters have that! Weight loss helps with polycystic ovary syndrome, but many times, you need BC pills for the hormones...and sometimes they use Glucophage. Good luck to you!
  • dramaqueen0619
    dramaqueen0619 Posts: 32 Member
    I was actually diagnosed with Dimished Ovarian Reserve. It's where I do have a few eggs left but they are no good. My body seems to think I am in my 40s-50s but I am actually 28. My doctor said I will start going through the big M in about 2-3 years. I have no clue how I am keeping my sanity but I am doing it!!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    that's harsh. really harsh.
    hopefully you have a good doctor to help you through this.
    i feel like my womb is trying to kill me on a monthly basis.
    mother nature is a *****!