How do you find the energy??



  • LisaBeateith2012
    LisaBeateith2012 Posts: 346 Member
    I look at myself naked in the mirror. It motivates me plenty :laugh:
    This :laugh:
  • 3LittleMonkeyMom
    I recently saw an interview with (of all people) Richard Simmons in (of all publications) Men's Health. It was interesting for a lot of reasons, but one thing in particular caught my eye. Every morning when he gets up, the first thing he does is his own workout. Why? Because if he can't maintain his own health, how can he be useful to anyone else? If you have to ask how you can be healthy while you have so much work to do, the real question should probably be how can I keep working like this if I'm not healthy.

    This is my new philosophy. Love this, and thank you for posting!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    I find doing exercise that I enjoy is the best.
    I really enjoy swimming so tend to go either before work or after work depending on my shifts.
    After a long day at work it is a great way to wind down.

    But also you need to ensure you eating enough to get your energy levels up and also taking some vitamins xxx
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    When I was working I had to go before work, during my lunch break or right after work. After work didn't work very well...
  • Kona2014
    Kona2014 Posts: 38
    I set the alarm for 5 am - this way it's not rushed, the roads are quiet and it is out of the way before work/life takes over. By the time I get home it's game over - tired, stressed, hungry and a stack of tasks waiting to be done.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I very often don't have the energy. But I make myself do it anyway. I know I'll never get what I want to have if I don't.
  • Fireshadow696
    Starting with something simple works best for me. I walk to my local coffee's about .75 miles away. It really helps to have a destination point. After the walk, I am usually limber and prepped for the workout! It really helps me to eat protein and some light carbs too.
  • musicmint
    musicmint Posts: 469
    I very often don't have the energy. But I make myself do it anyway. I know I'll never get what I want to have if I don't.

    Wish they had a like button :D
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    I found I was having the same problem. I started to volunteer at a local animal shelter walking dogs. It was both rewarding, and gave me a reason to be motivated to excerise. Maybe you should consider looking into finding something you enjoying doing like a zumba dance class or dog walking to try to motivate you? Having other ppl depending on you, or even a friendly face at a dance class can make it worth showing up sometimes when you weren't in the mood before.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    I am old and tired... that said, on days that I don't work out, I feel GUILTY.

    I attribute that to MFP. Since I have been here, I have logged food and exercise every day. I have become a bit obsessed with the logging, but it has really changed my lifestyle, and I feel healthy. I do take days off from exercise occasionally, and that makes the next day's session even better.

    It is important to pick your form of exercise carefully. Do what you like and don't over-do it.

    BTW...When I didn't exercise as often, I was more tired...
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Find the energy for workouts? Simple: By getting exercise off the priority list.

    What I mean is this: people who drink coffee don't put coffee on the priority list do they?
  • fthoodbaby
    fthoodbaby Posts: 52 Member
    I actually have a lot more energy when I do workout. I sleep less but sleep better when I workout, too.
  • Cathy_Daydreams
    I find doing exercise that I enjoy is the best.
    I really enjoy swimming so tend to go either before work or after work depending on my shifts.
    After a long day at work it is a great way to wind down.

    But also you need to ensure you eating enough to get your energy levels up and also taking some vitamins xxx

    I agree so much, started Fencing this year and never looked back :).
    I also do ten minutes the second I get in, but my job involves sitting on a chair for some five hours a day listening to teachers prattle on so ... it might not work for everyone.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I work a 9-10 hour day, and commute into the city. I am gone over 11 hours.

    I add it to my calendar just like any other appointment. I am fortunate that I have a gym at work and in an hour I can run a 5K and get a shower. But before that, I went on the Y on the way home like many others. In the summer, I would get up to run even if it was for 30 minutes.

    Exercising will eventually give you more energy. Especial if you get the heart rate of 130 for 20 minutes or more.

    You do it because you need to, and you don't make excuses.
  • vgcmustang2
    It is hard to find the energy, you are not alone! I work in an Operating Room, on my feet constantly and on the move! I have three kids 20, 16 and 2 1/2 and it is easy to say I'm to tired. For me I had to change my mind set. I set small goals and when I reach them I reward myself. I give myself 15 minutes in the morning before work to do general aerobics, that burns at least 91 calories, than after work I have 1/2 hour of what I call me time to exercise. Actually, thats helps me through my frustrations of the day. If I get down, I tell myself to get back up and tomorrow is another day and I look at the big picture!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    As I mentioned in another thread, I'm currently working two full time jobs (one in the ER, one as a full time Associate Editor and business partner) and I attend school.

    I still work out 4-5 times/week and would probably fall over dead if I didn't.

    It all comes down to what you want the most.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    I get up early and work out for 45 minutes. Either some workout DVD(s), strength with dumbbells or a run. That way if I'm too tired after work to do my second workout at least I did something.

    Everybody at work knows I've stared working out so they ask about it and encourage me, it helps me get pumped about going home to work out knowing I'll lookmsillybif I give up on my "new lifestyle" less than 2 months into it. So I always have a healthy snack mid-afternoon, and sometimes a quick berry smoothie the second I get home. By the time I'm changed and set up those berries are energy.

    Since buying a HRM I always wear it as a watch. The morning workout data makes me feel great about eating tasty, healthy food all day long, and gets me psyched about adding another workout.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member

    Plus the fact that I've been telling myself all day that at 6:30 I have an workout to do and it will take one hour. Then when 6:30 rolls around, it gets done.
  • musicmint
    musicmint Posts: 469
    I guess it is just one of those things I need to suck up and just do it. I run 5-6 days a week 5 miles and one 10 minute fast mile.
    Sometimes it gets to routinish but it works for me and I agree with having energy after I just need to suck up and do it! LIKE NIKE!!
  • musicmint
    musicmint Posts: 469
    I work a 9-10 hour day, and commute into the city. I am gone over 11 hours.

    I add it to my calendar just like any other appointment. I am fortunate that I have a gym at work and in an hour I can run a 5K and get a shower. But before that, I went on the Y on the way home like many others. In the summer, I would get up to run even if it was for 30 minutes.

    Exercising will eventually give you more energy. Especial if you get the heart rate of 130 for 20 minutes or more.

    You do it because you need to, and you don't make excuses.

    "even if it was for 30 minutes" THATS ALL I DO EVERYDAY Hahahahahaha