Slacked off and discouraged =(

I don't know what happened! I was going good and strong with exercising, eating better, being focused, lost a teeny bit of weight. And then life got in the way and I have majorly slacked off. I loose about 5 lbs and then bam I go about a week of crazy eating. It's like I can't help it, I have no control.
I just recently got a FREE elliptical, I was so excited to get it, couldn't wait to get my hands on it and start seeing better results, and I've used it once in two weeks. It's just been sitting there. collecting dust in my living room. I feel horrible every time I look at it, because I know how long I've waited for an elliptical, I've saved 100s of dollars in investing in one, and I get one for free and can't even use it.
Another thing is, I'm so tired all the time it feels like. I have a baby, just finished up summer session of college, and just started a new job. I feel so exhausted and finding time to exercise where my baby is asleep, and I'm not trying to nap with her because I worked a early shift, (which by the way we work 8+ hours with no breaks and no lunches standing all day on our feet) so by the time I get home and if I'm lucky she's napping it's all I can do to even make it to the bedroom to pass out with her.

I feel horrible, I start off the day doing great, and then night comes and I mess up. I feel like I have this issue where I sabotage myself. I don't even think that it's possible for me to get smaller, for my body to change. So much about me has changed since having a baby. I feel like I can't even get my waist back. Every time I get a little bit ahead, I sabotage in a major way. My daughter is 15 months, when will it change?

Does anyone have any tips for me? I can't stand feeling this way. Any little bit of advice will be much appreciated.


  • mbaker0909
    I teach and am stressed always! Stress seems to add weight on my body. I have learned that I have to get rid of stress that is bothering me by eliminating the things that I can that are stressful. Course work is a necessity at times, but try to find ways to relieve stress as much as possible. Take life at a slower pace if necessary to avoid stress. When I'm stressed I turn to eating for comfort because food is yummy! But.....if stress is eliminated then the nightly eating may not be there! I have only lost 4 1bs so far in this process and only started a month ago. You have lost 12! Be proud of the accomplishment you have made and keep on going. I will if you will! :) It's hard to see the end in mind....but keep sight of the goal even as slow as it seems. You will be surprised 6 months from now if you will stick to it! Be tough and hang in there when it gets rough. Have a "healthy eating account" in your fridge when those nightly cravings come! Oh...try Vitamin B12 ....not in a multi-vitamin but just straight B12 helps boost energy!!! Good luck!