So many groups... dont know who to join, so guess I'll make

I just want to be a healthy mommy, inspiring my son and husband to be healthy and active too! I'm a busy college girl as well 18hrs of junior and senior level classes and I still have two more years plus dietetic internship and taking the test to become a licensed and registered dietician. then going back and getting a masters degree in nutrition and foods. Also I'm wanting to become a certified personal trainer as well... my friends say I'd be the Jillian Michaels 2.0 haha but no.

So if you're a busy mom, dad, student, human being, w/e just trying to stay healthy and active this is the group for you... don't really have a name yet just want to get some people together to check in with, share quick and easy recipes or tips for staying on track on the go, and fitting in exercise whenever and where ever possible, how about while driving.. yes its possible... lol but seriously whos with me??