
I am struggling with a crappy mood...dang... Someone tell me what is up!

Strangely, the only time I really feel good is when I do a moderately intense workout EVERY day for an hour. Then endorphins kick in, I feel accomplished etc. If I miss it, I just feel low. Even if I did like 6 hours of manual labor outdoors, it's not the same. I don't feel I did enough exercise. Weird!

Also, I find a lack of energy and my mood shifts negatively if I don't eat a home-made, mostly plant based diet. I wonder if prepared foods and restaurant foods (even "healthy" ones) have something in them that is toxic or otherwise unhealthy that mess with internal chemistry.

Maybe I am just having one of those days???


  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I have days like those, my diet and exercise play a role in helping or hurting my mood- exercise and fresh veggies = better mood. On those days, I pull all the tricks I have to get me going in the right direction.
    Music helps.
    I wish you the best, my friend.
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    I didn't realize how big an effect food has on mood until I stared eating really well and working out every day. I noticed that about fresh veggies and fruit too. Last couple days I haven't had them because I have had NO kitchen (Granite being installed) or sink - that plus working hard and then having to go BUY food for self and my help, now my mood sucks. I TRIED to get health stuff (sandwiches etc) but they are still made by someone else n I can't read those food labels!

    Well, I am going to get back on track but I'll be dodging bullets at a BBQ today HAHA

    You are right about music too.I will have to put something nice and mellow and just allow myself to relax...

    Coulda been I didn't have good sleep last couple nights too...finally feel rested this AM.

    Thanks so much!!! :):heart:
    I have days like those, my diet and exercise play a role in helping or hurting my mood- exercise and fresh veggies = better mood. On those days, I pull all the tricks I have to get me going in the right direction.
    Music helps.
    I wish you the best, my friend.
  • I didn't realize how big an effect food has on mood until I stared eating really well and working out every day. I noticed that about fresh veggies and fruit too. Last couple days I haven't had them because I have had NO kitchen (Granite being installed) or sink - that plus working hard and then having to go BUY food for self and my help, now my mood sucks. I TRIED to get health stuff (sandwiches etc) but they are still made by someone else n I can't read those food labels!

    Well, I am going to get back on track but I'll be dodging bullets at a BBQ today HAHA

    You are right about music too.I will have to put something nice and mellow and just allow myself to relax...

    Coulda been I didn't have good sleep last couple nights too...finally feel rested this AM.

    Thanks so much!!! :):heart:
    I have days like those, my diet and exercise play a role in helping or hurting my mood- exercise and fresh veggies = better mood. On those days, I pull all the tricks I have to get me going in the right direction.
    Music helps.
    I wish you the best, my friend.

    From what I hear you saying... I say skip the BBQ, take a nap and relax :smile:
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Sounds like you've got a handle on it... could be the lower endorphins on a non-exercise day, the food, the time of month or other hormonal fluctuation, some vitamin deficiencies can lower energy levels, fighting off a cold, other bad news (for instance, sometimes I don't realize how much something like hearing about a friend's problems lowered my mood until much later). As long as the cause is just a temporary thing, all you need is a temporary distraction or way to feel better.
    Maybe you just need a day when you treat yourself gently... music is one way to lift your mood, a nice walk and/or talk with a friend, a gentle exercise such as just stretching, reading or watching a "feel good" movie. At the BBQ, will they have games -- croquette, volleyball? Seats away from the food? Get a tall cold glass of ice tea and go have a good chat with a friend you haven't been able to talk with in awhile. Try to talk about cheerful things.

    You can do it!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Oh, nap! Another good idea!
    Crafts that keep your hands busy so you can't eat. :wink:
    Or send some cheerful letters or cards... yeah, the old paper kind! or electronic, if you really prefer.
  • kazzee2
    kazzee2 Posts: 2
    It could be the lack of fresh fruit and veg as you say,,, you will be missing the natural sugars in the fruit,, oats/porridge is good for a slow release energy. Im sure once your kitchen is sorted you will be able to get back to normal and will feel better :)

    Heres a link might be of interest for you

    Im new and just started on here today really, but have lost about 40lbs over the last couple of years just more or less with a healthy eating routine.
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    I love the idea of sending out old fashioned cards or letters! I used to crochet too but haven't forever! :)

    You're right, it could be any of these things. I hope its temporary. I have been pushing EVERY day and I may have just gone off the edge a bit.

    I think this BBQ will be great - my two friends there are whining about their weight so they are only bringing salads and fruit, thank goodness - and here I may be able to motivate and inspire THEM, which will make me feel good too. There will be kids running around and a lot of socializing, so plenty of distraction from food.

    Maybe before I go I will put some good cardio in and have some good energy! hehe

    I think REST is key too, thanks you all for reminding me that I need it - I have so many obligations I often forget to treat myself and allow relaxation but I know its important.

    Thanks for the positive messages!!!:happy:
    Sounds like you've got a handle on it... could be the lower endorphins on a non-exercise day, the food, the time of month or other hormonal fluctuation, some vitamin deficiencies can lower energy levels, fighting off a cold, other bad news (for instance, sometimes I don't realize how much something like hearing about a friend's problems lowered my mood until much later). As long as the cause is just a temporary thing, all you need is a temporary distraction or way to feel better.
    Maybe you just need a day when you treat yourself gently... music is one way to lift your mood, a nice walk and/or talk with a friend, a gentle exercise such as just stretching, reading or watching a "feel good" movie. At the BBQ, will they have games -- croquette, volleyball? Seats away from the food? Get a tall cold glass of ice tea and go have a good chat with a friend you haven't been able to talk with in awhile. Try to talk about cheerful things.

    You can do it!
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    Thanks for this link, very good stuff. I need to get my kitchen in order so I can actually COOK. I do lentils, walnuts, all of these nearly every day. No wonder all the junk I have been eating made me this way. And I forgot about oatmeal!!

    I think you are right, things will be better when I have a kitchen. Nothing like doing the few dishes you have in the bathroom sink LOLLL
    It could be the lack of fresh fruit and veg as you say,,, you will be missing the natural sugars in the fruit,, oats/porridge is good for a slow release energy. Im sure once your kitchen is sorted you will be able to get back to normal and will feel better :)

    Heres a link might be of interest for you

    Im new and just started on here today really, but have lost about 40lbs over the last couple of years just more or less with a healthy eating routine.