S-l-o-w starter but BIG loser?

Hey guys, so anyone else around here a slow starter like me too? I've never been one of those people who could lose 5, 6, 7 lbs etc in the first weeks....I think when I was younger I used to be able to lose 3 in a week.... these last ten years - no way! Anytime I've tried to lose weight over the last ten years it has been REALLY slow to show any loss on the scale, and by the time it's starting to show 2-3 lbs lost I've given up.

This time I'm taking a different approach. I'm doing the 'eat at BMR' thing. Only just started that yesterday and have promised myself I won't 'pull the plug' on that idea for me until I've given it at least a month. But I have been on MFP since the beginning of this month and been recording. My intake has been probably 1400 cals below what I was eating that has kept me around the same weight for four years, yet I've only lost around 3lbs. I know my ticker says 7 but I initially joined a while ago and when I re-weighed myself when I was starting to record at the beginning of the month my weight was lower. So.... started exercising (from NO exercise) - working up minutes, reduced cals by around 1400, weighing & measuring.... but only 3lbs in 3 weeks??? Yikes. I know they say around a pound a week but I am very big (close to 300lbs), haven't been in any 'starvation mode' for years..... why oh why aren't I losing faster? Why can some people lose so much when they first start out and I plod along?

I've recently found out I have very high fasting insulin levels/ insulin resistance, and I notice another member has just posted me a long reply about it in another post that I want to study, but I'm too tired tonight to take it in. I'm guessing the insulin levels are what keeps the loss slow.

What about you guys? Anyone start off slow but ended up losing a lot?


  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    Yes! I believe that the Insulin resistance is what slows you down. I have that as well, mine is part of having PCOS. But this causes weight loss to be very slow and hard. Stick with it and you will lose. Its great that you are slowly upping your exercise. I have found that it helps a lot!

    I am still losing slow, normally weighing in only every 2-3 weeks so that it is more than a pound. But losing is losing. and as long as I am heading down the right path I am happy! :smile:
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I have to say yes! I have been doing 1200-1300 calories/ day plus averaging about 8-9 hrs cardio/ week. I lost about 10 lbs in 3 months. :( switched to around 1400 about 2-3 weeks ago and lost maybe 2 more lbs. My total is 17 lbs since January. I have read about people who lost almost 10 times that much since then! So yes, it doesn't seem fair, but on the other hand I'm fairly small, female, and 41...I do feel tons better and am getting lots of compliments. I'd like to lose another 10...so maybe by Christmas :) Don't give up! Even slow loss is worth it!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I don't think it's just PCOS. I have it and my weight loss was very quick at the start.

    If you want help it might be better to open your diary.