What do you think being fit will get you?



  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    initially I started because I was simply tired of being fat!!! I wanted to look good, and feel good. Running to places I used to drive to just because I can and going hiking for FUN have been amazing perks that I didn't even think about.
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    May sound funny, but the real reason I want to lose weight is to prove to my doctor's who keep telling me that I feel like crap because I'm obese. I've tried to explain to them that I felt like crap even when I weighed only 135 lbs.

    I hope that they are right because there are so many things I used to enjoy that I can't do now and have put on hold for so many years because of supporting my kids in their endeavors (baseball, band, drum corps, basketball, choir, soccer). Be a spectator instead of a participant means a lot of sitting.

    I used to love riding my bicycle but feel too unsteady now. I also used to love hiking in the woods and playing in the snow with the kids but now I have trouble breathing when doing those types of activities.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I think being fit for me, will definitely increase my confidence and reduce my social anxiety.

    My boyfriend plays in bands, and often performs...in bars. I am often left sitting by myself surrounded by tons of people having a drunken good time. As my weight increased, I noticed a drastic reduction in my wanting to go out places. I feel nervous, panicky, and all I am thinking about is "how can i hide my tummy, i need to suck in more when i walk around". Seriously. I also avoid making eye contact with EVERYONE.

    Hopefully this is what will change when I get closer to my goal weight, but even with my 17 lb loss - i feel more confident already.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    To look and feel badass.

    And yup, I am feeling pretty badass nowadays. :glasses:
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Better sex. :happy:
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Better sex. :happy:

    Seriously though....to be healthy and have more energy. I guess that would be a supplement. :drinker:
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    Confidence. Also, it will probably help me with my anxiety — exercise is good for that.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I'm hoping that by losing the large amount of weight I have, I will get some of my self esteem back and hopefully myself. My dad was the instigator of my bad eating habits and later used my weight to abuse me emotionally and verbally, plus he abused me other ways that I'm slowly healing from. But I'm left with a lot of self hatred and the feeling I'm not really in my own body, just borrowing some ugly fat chick's for a while.

    If I can see who I'm truly meant to be under all this weight, maybe I won't hate myself so much and I can be more confident that I deserve the good things I have and deserve much more because I feel right, not just because I look better.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
  • cathiaflock
    cathiaflock Posts: 112 Member
    I don't know but I'm excited to find out!!!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I might not exactly answer your questions, I am just going to ramble on here LOL!!

    When I was 245 lbs, it didn't matter how happy I thought I was, I wasn't.. I mean I had a good job, a family, did fun things, had great friends but beneath it all I longed to be thin, I longed to feel sexy, I longed to shop wherever the hell I wanted.... It was coming to the point I was making excuses about how I would just have to accept that I would be fat forever.

    I got so tired of saying 'if I would have only kept with it, I could be this weight by now' etc. Last April my friend asked me to join her running and on MFP, I honestly said something like ' I will join you becuase I will be pissed if you get skinny and I am still fat'

    Here I am 84 lbs later and such a brand new person internally. I mean I am still the scarastic smartass I once was but the self confidence, the self esteem, the happiness I feel now can be very overwhelming.. During this process I also left my ex of 9 years and started dating... as I lost weight the confidence with that all emerged as well. My current BF of 6 months has told me more than once that he loves how I can just leave the house and know I look fantastic. I have never once ever asked if I look good.. I know I do. It's empowering...

    I know it was a hard road and to maintain will be even harder (as I sit here eating pizza) but I can't go back and I won't go back becuase I love this new person LOVE HER!!!!! and so does everyone else.

    Time is going to pass anyways, and now I don't go 'how much could I have weighed if I stuck to it' I say thank god I didn't gain another 50+ lbs...

    You got this girl!

    ETA - and who knew exercise could be so addicting and make you feel so good.. You just need to find what exercise YOU enjoy doing.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I just want to be comfortable leaving my house in something other than scrubs. I hate going anywhere or being seen in public. And having someone take my picture? Not happening. As a long, long term goal, I'd like to be able to carry my own groceries, etc, and be able to go up and down stairs by myself when I'm old. Since I can't leave my house, I'm sure to be alone when I'm old. :)
  • polishmehappy
    polishmehappy Posts: 92 Member
    I'm curretntly trying to back into the swing of things. I was doing really well before I had an accident - although I did workout today!! WOOT! I have to remind myself why I want this.

    What's the REAL reason you want to lose weight? How do you think your life will change once you get there? Is your weight stopping you in other areas of your life?

    I'm sorry for the bombardment of questions - I just find hearing other stories interesting and inspiring. :)

    My REAL reason:
    I'm terrified of CVAs and MIs. Most of the patients I meet with these problems are overweight. Granted there are some who are not but the majority are. It's not the "dying" part that scares me...it is "living" depending on others to wipe my *kitten* that frighten me.
    Secondary reasons?
    High heels, smaller clothes (clearance racks are kinder to smaller sizes and my pocket is tiny) :tongue: My weight is stopping me from buying nicer clothes to wear and from going out with my friends like I used to :cry:
  • abbylane35
    abbylane35 Posts: 16
    *Reduce my paranoia about everyone judging me for being overweight (even though I know it shouldn't bother me, but it does)...

    *Make me more willing to get out and do things...and not let my self-consciousness get the best of me.

    *Hopefully more time in this life to spend with my son.

    *The ability to wear clothes that I actually like...instead of what I can get in my size that looks decent and I can deal with.

    *Hopefully to motivate my husband to lose weight so that he doesn't suffer from his weight...

    I could go on, but I think you get the point...with every pound that I lose I am gaining a part of the me that I want to be but have been afraid to be...
  • teacheatsleep
    teacheatsleep Posts: 22 Member
    Confidence! I'm shy and try my best to not be noticed. I can't live like that anymore. When I've reached my goal, I can't wait to yell, "Look at me!" :)
  • SheilaBradshaw
    I want to be able to love myself and my body. I've always struggled with low self-esteem. Now that I've lost 28 pounds (only 12 left to goal weight) and 20+ inches, I'm beginning to be proud of me. I've put in so much hard work changing my eating habits, working out, drinking my water, and drinking my Shakeology daily, and now the hard work is paying off.

    It will also let me be a product of the product. Drinking Shakeology and doing my Beachbody workouts have changed my life. Now I can pay it forward and help others change their lives.

    I love my life now.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I don't want to have to take pills to live. If I had stayed fat or got fatter I am sure I would have been on cholesterol med, diabetes meds, high blood pressure meds, or something else. For me, none of these would be caused by heredity so that would mean they were self inflicted laziness pills. What moron does that to themself. Getting fit keeps me healthy and off stupid pills.
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    To get healthier. My dad is a severe Type 2 diabetic and only has five out of ten toes. I do NOT want to put my kids through what I've gone through.
  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    Most definitely my Self Confidence Back, plain and Simple.
  • tbodega
    tbodega Posts: 186
    1st reason: I HATED how I looked in one pic taken that it made me get serious about getting back to a healthier weight.
    2nd reason: I watch Ninja Warrior and I want to be healthy enough to run that course someday without failing at the 1st obstacle due to being out of shape!!
    3rd reason: Sometimes it's annoying or not convenient to work out but it's far more annoying and inconvenient to have to take pills, surgery, ect to being unhealthy!