Starting over....again

I'm new here but not new to trying to be more healthy. Two years ago I did pretty well, dropped some weight, got more active, toned up some. Now I've been in an area where obesity is more common and I've let myself go a bit. I moved from Florida....beaches and beach bodies always in my line of sight keeping me on track; to Kentucky....bleached hair and fake tans on wobbly bodies always in my line of sight keeping me complacent.

Since we're moving back to Florida within the next year I'm determined that I am not going back looking like most of the women (and men, and children, and pets) here.

Please understand that I'm not really having a go at the people here, really I'm not. I've been here for almost a year and finding the right foods, local health info, places to exercise, etc, is unbelievably difficult. Plus the local food mentality is a little warped. A favorite "salad" here includes fresh romaine with spring onions smothered in hot grease, served with deep fried meat, gravy, and potatoes smothered in butter, cream and sometimes cheese too. And salt! lots and lots of salt!

I'm determined to persevere and over the past few months I've been gathering information on how to eat better for less in eastern Kentucky. If anyone here is from eastern Kentucky and wants to know what I've found so far just ask me. (That didn't sound conceited at all did it? lol)