Thought I could stop logging food and do it on my own!

Wow! I thought that since I have been logging in food and exercise for several months I had a handle on the calories.
But 3 pounds just came back on because entering those food items keeps better track of it all than THINKING I have stayed within calorie goals. I started back today logging in the calories. I still am doing the exercise as much as before I stopped checking in.

I was on a business trip to NYC and walked miles a day and did not log in AND lost 2.5 lbs. AND ate foods I don't eat! (sweets mainly) It was very hot so the metabolism is on high gear. I thought I was so cool when I returned home and don't need to keep track any more. I am just not as active at home as I was in NY- we drive to the grocery store for instance.
While in NY the grocery store is not far and it's easy to walk with a few bags of groceries. I walk to the store here at home and go often because I can't carry lots of bags 2 miles to the store. Maybe I need to up my work out. I did not have as much of an appetite in the super hot weather, which helped keep the pounds off.

I don't want to feel upset about the weight being added on, I just want to forge ahead : Onwards and upwards! And keep on track with logging in!