What rewards have you set for reaching milestones?



  • osusars
    osusars Posts: 21
    In the past, I've tried setting rewards for when I reach a weight loss goal. In the past, I've always given up before reaching said goal. This time I was thinking of getting/doing something awesome when I really do reach my goal. My first thought is to get the tattoo that I've wanted for a few years now. The way I figure it, this will also give me time to save up for it :) Any thoughts/ suggestions/ advice?

    I got two new tattoos (one on the outside of each foot) when I hit my first big goal of 25 lbs. I haven't decided what else I'm going to do with the next few goals yet. I started saving money for the tattoo by putting a dollar in a savings spot for each day I worked out/hit my goals. By time I got to 25 lbs, I had almost enough to pay for the tattoo. The same thing can be done for whatever reward you want. I don't do cash, so I just put smiley face stickers on a calendar each day I worked out and gave myself that much money from my savings when the time came.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    A new piece of clothing, nail polish, makeup, bento boxes, and video games. ...I had to stop rewarding myself with games because I can't finish them as fast as I buy them, though. ^o^
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Going Skydiving on Monday since I'm under 220lbs now!

    Once I reach goal weight and then bulk up a bit with muscle, I'm getting a sleeve tattoo!
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    I plan on getting another tattoo once I reach 100 lbs lost. Something inspirational to show how far I have come. 7 lbs to go! I think that setting mini goals and rewarding yourself at each one is a fantastic way to keep motivated.
  • Officialas
    Officialas Posts: 50 Member
    I think once i hit under the 100kg mark (8kg away!!) i'll reward myself with new clothes.. i currently have to safety pin a lot of my clothes otherwise they'd be far too baggy on me (which is no way to show off the new figure coming through :P)

    So yes, new outfits for me :)
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    When I reach 120lbs, I am going to book a holiday like Safari in Africa, or a road trip to las Vegas, or the maldives :P

    Short term goals, are basically clothes, pamper day, maybe a spray tan etc.

    I will probably have one being a tattoo. I was going to get another anyway but this way it will probably make me more excited haha
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I HAVE to buy new clothes but I WANT to get a new tattoo. I only have a small one between my shoulders but I can't justify the expense of another.
  • peterk1967
    peterk1967 Posts: 7 Member
    when i hit my goal of 180 - I also want to get a tatoo and maybe a diamond earring.. does not look good on a plus size person
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    15 lb-trip to chicago in september
    30 lb-trip to florida in december
    60 lb- cruise next june to bahamas!

    i love traveling so im rewarding myself with travels haha
  • rmandree
    rmandree Posts: 9
    I like your comments.:happy:
  • verbalriot
    verbalriot Posts: 90
    I love fall fashion (could live in jeans and sweaters) and am gradually saving up $500 to spend on ONLY clothes and accessories once I reach my goal in the fall.
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    I have short-term goals (lower case), and large milestone goals (ALL CAPS):

    335: new bedroom slippers
    325: new wallet, MANI/PEDI
    315: wireless mouse
    305: new earrings
    300: MASSAGE
    295: wireless keyboard
    285: Essie nail polish
    275: armpit wax, EAR PIERCINGS
    265: yarn spinning class
    255: new towels
    250: BICYCLE
    245: new sunglasses
    235: new dress
    225: new septum ring, CAR DETAILING
    215: upgrade phone apps
    205: new *toy*
    200: TATTOO TIME!!!

    I've had the larger goals for over a year now, and they just weren't cutting it for me. It seemed like I was never going to attain them. I had to add the smaller goals recently, and they've been able to keep me on track thusfar. My advice would be to pick things that you really want, and not just some random crap from what you read from a message board. Make it personal. Good luck!