What rewards have you set for reaching milestones?



  • verbalriot
    verbalriot Posts: 90
    I love fall fashion (could live in jeans and sweaters) and am gradually saving up $500 to spend on ONLY clothes and accessories once I reach my goal in the fall.
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    I have short-term goals (lower case), and large milestone goals (ALL CAPS):

    335: new bedroom slippers
    325: new wallet, MANI/PEDI
    315: wireless mouse
    305: new earrings
    300: MASSAGE
    295: wireless keyboard
    285: Essie nail polish
    275: armpit wax, EAR PIERCINGS
    265: yarn spinning class
    255: new towels
    250: BICYCLE
    245: new sunglasses
    235: new dress
    225: new septum ring, CAR DETAILING
    215: upgrade phone apps
    205: new *toy*
    200: TATTOO TIME!!!

    I've had the larger goals for over a year now, and they just weren't cutting it for me. It seemed like I was never going to attain them. I had to add the smaller goals recently, and they've been able to keep me on track thusfar. My advice would be to pick things that you really want, and not just some random crap from what you read from a message board. Make it personal. Good luck!
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