Is this a good plan?

I used to exercise 5 days a week at the gym lifting weights, and 3 days a week doing cardio. So something like mornings M-F doing weights, and MWF running after work.

Now I want to get back into it but not that hard. Is this a good plan:
MWF morning gym focusing on lifting weights to get toned more than bulk up
T/TH evening running and/or walking

Each week getting more intense and adding more.

I know its kind of vague because I didn't say what kind of weight lifting or how long I'd be running, but I'm just starting out again after not doing it for so long. Any tips, ideas?


    MJMARIN81 Posts: 49
    I think it sounds good, but eventually you will need to pick an area that you want to focus on. Let me start by saying I am no expert by any means but I read alot. Whether it is all factual or someone trying to force their believes I don't know but some of it makes sense.

    For example you can not effectively build major muscle and endurance at the same time. If your goal is just to be healthier than I would say a little of both will work but if you wanna be really big and muscular than you will need to focus on gym. If your goal was like mine to run long distances and fast, then you would focus on your cardio.

    But as a starting point to go back into it I think you got a good plan. Just don't over do it and get discouraged. Its hard when you know what you had before and realize how far you have gone from it.