2 big for floor exercises? HELP



  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Look at my ticker.... Back then the last place I wanted to end up was on the ground cause there was no way for me to get back up.. I could barely walk from room to room so floor exercises was last on my list... I actually started in the pool at our local YMCA walking laps from one side of the pool to the other. (therapy pool) I spent 17 months in the pool and lost 170 lbs. there.. The water displaced my weight which aloud me to support my own weight. If you can walk that is where I would start. After I got strong enough to walk out of the pool (with braces due to severely bad knee's) I started my first walk of 50 ft. and back. No typo yes 50 ft. and everyday I added another 10 ft. This went on month after month with a few Knee injections, pain pills, 2 knee clean outs in between. I have since added Elliptical, swimming, weight training, etc... But it all began Walking...... Best of Luck.....
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    wow, that is truly an inspiration!!!!! congrats on your weights..
  • 3LittleMonkeyMom
    I think it's wonderful that you have started. :)

    I do think maybe you should start walking instead of trying floor exercises right now. I think that will be easier on you to start.
    I am excited to hear about your progress. Please keep us updated!
    I hope your back feels better soon. :)
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 677 Member
    OMG! I heard so much great stuff about JM 30 day shred so I went out and got it, tried and haven't used it again. I couldn't keep up cause its alot of up and down off the floor and I can't do it. I feel you, I know I'm too big for floor exercises.:sad:
  • charliegirl76
    I think you may need to take it really slow after you see your Dr. And in the meantime keep up the good work at your own pace. It is not a race think about your safety.
  • LadyChay
    LadyChay Posts: 6
    Congrats on making the decision to start. I have gained and lost weight so many times due to inactivity (full time working mom of 3 with a desk job) But I finally got my head in the right place and started again in June. I had already lost 20 lbs when a friend told me of this website. The only thing I can share with you is not to pressure yourself too much. Everyone is different. I started at 208 this time around and I'm taking it slow cuz this is the last time I'm going to do this. My main exercise has always been my bike, but I didn't get on it until I could peddle without my belly hampering my leg movement. Funny huh! Not that I care what I look like, but my balance is off when I am heavy. You can alter every exercise out there to fit your comfort level - as long as your doing something - that's what is important. Sounds like possibly a pinched sciatic nerve - Owie Ow Ow! I've done that!!! There are some good stretches out there to relieve that pain and laying on the floor with your legs up on the couch or a chair will immediately relieve it. Depending on the pain, you may need help getting up and down. I pinched mine when I sneezed while picking up the bathroom trash can ----OOOOOOWHEEEEEE! My husband had to come pick me up off the floor! At work there is a gym I use at lunch, but I never go down there until I am comfortable with seeing myself in the wall mirror. That can be a downer and only depresses me. SO stay Positive and take it slow - you'll be there before you know it! God willing and the creek don't rise - I will too!
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    Like others, let me start by congratulating you and encouraging you to keep up a fitness plan. It's a huge and important first step. That said, situps are a terrible exercise to have an overweight person do. The Army is moving away from them because they aren't good for your back, and that's for in shape soldiers. Stick to crunches and leg lifts for ab work. Is this an old program of some kind? I can't imagine a modern exercise program with situps as a major component, especially for beginners or overweight people.
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    I honestly found it on Pinterest, and thought it looked easy... but my knees are hurting too... I think you guys are prob right... I need to maybe just walk.....
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    I like the idea of building up to something by starting small but you have to be careful with backs and situps if your not used to them and jumping jacks are high impact so no wonder your knees are sore. I would get a well fitted pair of walking shoes and start walking. Start with 15 minutes (go out the door and walk 7.5 min turn around and walk back) and gradually increase to whatever you have time for. I walk every day even if it's rainy.

    It is a good idea to learn some stretches and doing some strength training eventually is a good idea but start with something small and manageable.
  • mokoko123
    mokoko123 Posts: 77 Member
    I agree with the walking - it's much lower impact - water walking is great - or just outside. The Walking DVDs are awesome too - I have one that I do occ with my kids (trying to get them to move more)