Unrealistic Expectations



  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    I know! I have a friend who isthe same height as me, and is 160, which would be considered slightly over weight, but SHES A SIZE 8! That is SOOOOO not over weight - to me, thats thin! She's all muscle!
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    The best approach to figure out your weight goal would be to figure out your body fat %. This way you can figure out how much lean body mass you have and you can derive a weight goal from there. For example, I am 200 lbs and 12% body fat (technically obese according to my weight and BMI). I have a 176 lbs of lean body mass (LBM = weight - (weight * bf %) ). I have a goal of 6% body fat so I can have a good six pack. That means to maintain my muscle, I should aim for 187 lbs.

    And as I always say, weight loss makes you look good in clothes, but fat loss is what makes you look good naked. Muscle is what makes your body tight and slender. In fact, I have seen many people not be able to get a flat stomach or abs since they dont have much lbm. Below is a good example of what happens when people gain 20 lbs of muscle. It's a great story,


    That's amazing!
    This article you posted too is outstanding! I'm really inspired!