Another Newbie

Hi Everyone! I'm new to all of this, so any and all help would be appreciated. I've started to track my calories, but I'm not sure how to track them on things that I can't scan on my phone. Is there an easy way to tell how many I've eaten (like a website or app)?

Thanks and nice to meet you all! Feel free so add me to your friends. I have a long journey ahead of me and plan to be very active. :)


  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day. :smile:
  • tazboy
    tazboy Posts: 79 Member
    there are soo many items on the search list on the phone app. I've been putting everything in my phone, even when I go over. When there isn't exactly the same item, but something close, I will put that in At first I would use the lowest calorie count, but now I usually go with the closest. Just log everything you can and there are great web sites that break it all down for you, and a recipe builder, where you put everything down that you use to make the meal, and it breaks down the calories per serviing.

    So many tools, apps, pages, people to help support you in your journey. Just wished I used them back in the day.

    Good Luck

    add me if ya need someone to kick yer butt!!