first bad day in 2 months.....



  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    Everybody has cheat days, I drank 30 ounces of wine last night. I knew I was gonna drink so I exercised more than usual. It is okay to splurge every once in awhile. Keep up the good work.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Just a friendly reminder that it's what you do the majority of the time that counts. :smile:

  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    In 2 months? I have a bad day every WEEK!! Sounds like you totally deserved it, don't worry about it just start up again yesterday and you'll be fine!

    Agree :)
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    I'm in an odd mood as a 50 day streak of net calorie deficits (often with 1000 kcals or more to spare), I decided to hang with my brother in law at a bar for a couple hours while our wives shopped.... and yes I drank my share of Coors Light....69 ounces in fact..... Please no judging, I didn't even drive and had fun!!!!....

    Even with no eating between meals, even with a 70 minute -800 kcal spin class this morning....I still not only broke the streak, I exceeded my limit by ONE THOUSAND CALORIES.

    My concern.... has anyone else had this type of day? I don't really believe in cheat days, but have this horrible feeling like I'll wake up in the morning and suddenly go back to bad habits.

    Skip the beer.. go straight to something else lol aka shots, or mixed drinks with low/no cal mixers :)
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Just a friendly reminder that it's what you do the majority of the time that counts. :smile:

  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    I realize my first response sounds harsh, but holy crap dude, it's almost as if you have NO idea how this website (or your body) works....

    When you choose your goals and put in "2 pounds per week", it spit out a calorie goal based ON that LOSS....
    Meaning, you EAT THAT AMOUNT to achieve that loss. You do NOT need to create a deficit off of that number. You need to EAT all those calories to fuel your body to LIVE.

    MEN need at LEAST 1500 calories a day to SURVIVE. Larger (taller, heavier) men can require even more than that. Go to "tools" and check your BMR. That is the amount your body uses each day to simply beat your heart, breathe, reproduce cells, digest food, and run your brain... if you are eating less than that number (regularly), you are starving yourself to death. A day here or there won't hurt you, but two months STRAIGHT? I am shocked you are not in the hospital.

    Once MFP has that BMR number, it then multiplies it by an activity factor. 1.2 if you are truly bed to couch and that's it. Up to 1.9 for highly active, and anywhere in between for the other levels.

    THAT new number is your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). MFP subtracts from the TDEE a number of calories (250 for half a pound a week, 500 for one pound, 1000 for 2 pounds)
    One pound is recommended.
    If you chose 2 pounds, then 1000 is already subtracted from your TDEE (AKA maintenance calories).
    You need to eat every calorie in your diary, EVEN the ones it adds when you enter exercise, to be "reaching your goals". Staying "under" your goal is a fail. A goal is something to REACH.

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    50 days of extreme under eating, and you're freaking out about one day over?
    You're freaking out about the wrong thing.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    what Robin said...
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    First off, if you are leaving 1000 calories on the table every day, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
    You are meant to EAT every calorie of your calorie goal. There is already a deficit built in.

    Second, IF you chose "lose 2 pounds per week" as your goal, and you ate over your goal by 1000, then all you did was eat AT MAINTENANCE instead of a huge deficit. That's the amount to eat to stay the same, so NO, you did NOT go OVER anything.
    In fact, I suggest you eat close to that amount EVERY day, except with REAL food instead of beer....
    I realize my first response sounds harsh, but holy crap dude, it's almost as if you have NO idea how this website (or your body) works....

    When you choose your goals and put in "2 pounds per week", it spit out a calorie goal based ON that LOSS....
    Meaning, you EAT THAT AMOUNT to achieve that loss. You do NOT need to create a deficit off of that number. You need to EAT all those calories to fuel your body to LIVE.

    MEN need at LEAST 1500 calories a day to SURVIVE. Larger (taller, heavier) men can require even more than that. Go to "tools" and check your BMR. That is the amount your body uses each day to simply beat your heart, breathe, reproduce cells, digest food, and run your brain... if you are eating less than that number (regularly), you are starving yourself to death. A day here or there won't hurt you, but two months STRAIGHT? I am shocked you are not in the hospital.

    Once MFP has that BMR number, it then multiplies it by an activity factor. 1.2 if you are truly bed to couch and that's it. Up to 1.9 for highly active, and anywhere in between for the other levels.

    THAT new number is your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). MFP subtracts from the TDEE a number of calories (250 for half a pound a week, 500 for one pound, 1000 for 2 pounds)
    One pound is recommended.
    If you chose 2 pounds, then 1000 is already subtracted from your TDEE (AKA maintenance calories).
    You need to eat every calorie in your diary, EVEN the ones it adds when you enter exercise, to be "reaching your goals". Staying "under" your goal is a fail. A goal is something to REACH.
    This, and this.

    Yep. Both of these.

    For real.

    Not only do you need to eat and fuel your work (and start lifting weights relatively soon after you start losing so you can maintain as much lean mass in the process of losing as possible), you also need to unclench.

    If in the process of becoming overweight, it did not stop you becoming fat to have a day or two in which you eat well and healthfully, one day on the way to becoming lean in which you don't make the best choices ever, isn't gonna suddenly halt your progress and turn around and suddenly you've gained back all your weight.

    Life is for living. Hanging and drinking beer while the wives shop, catching up and shooting the breeze is GOOD for you. Even if you were drinking beer and eating bar food. Life and health is more than every morsel you eat and every moment you spend exercising. Life is ALL of it.

    Please don't worry about one day. Eat more all days, but because you have been at such a ridiculous extreme deficit, you had more than enough wiggle room for that day. But even if you didn't, worrying about it and beating yourself up for it only makes it worse, increases the negative feelings that people tend to soothe with poor food choices, takes away your belief that you can do this (you can) and increases the chances of more bad days and your bad days getting worse. Plus the ridiculous deficit already set you up for screwing it up too.

    stress hormones are bad for you and bad for your weight loss. Relax, recalibrate, move on.
  • kennyh75
    kennyh75 Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, never thought I would get all this feedback, in all honesty I'm on a 1 pound a week loss schedule, just that it seems like more often than now, and I don't even feel like I'm depriving myself at 1500 calories a day.... sounds like I actually should be eating more!