Anyone been to see the new Batman movie, yet?



  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    I thought it was a good ending to the trilogy... the thing it had going against it was the fact that The Dark Knight and Heath Ledger were too damn good to be followed... TDNR just wasn't sinister enough after watching that.

    This inspiration for Bane's voice... enjoy!!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Just got back from the movie theater, and I have two words to describe it....SUPERFANTABULOUSLY AWESOME!!!!! :glasses: By far one of the best action/adventure movies I've seen in a long time....maybe ever. It was really exciting when I found out halfway through the movie that Tom Hardy was Bane. I have NO IDEA how I didn't know that! I LOVE Tom Hardy! He was fantasic in the role, by the way. If you haven't seen it, you should.

    We did go see it. We went to the batman marathon. it started at 6PM with the first one, then the 2nd one at 9PM and the last one at midnight.

    However, since I was up at 6:00AM that morning and did not get to rest beforehand, by the time the third one came around I literally started to nod off. Could not keep my head up or my eyes open even though the bits and pieces I did see were awesome.

    I feel like I need to go see it again.

    I would, for sure. I didn't bother to watch the first two beforehand, as I have seen them so many times before. I still enjoyed it immensely, even without the refresher. It's been a long time since I left the theater feeling like I actually got what I paid full.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I enjoyed it but still think Dark Knight was the best of the trilogy. (then again, I think all middle films tend to be the best of a trilogy because they don't have to clear everything up. Matrix excluded).

    Bane's voice was funny at times but it made sense because Bane is not supposed to be just a brute. He is supposed to be Batman's equal in both intelligence and combat.

    My main complaint about the movie was that the climax seemed rushed at times. Especially Bane's end.

    What I did like, though, was when they explained who Bane really was, I almost felt sorry for him. I'm a sucker for a tortured soul, and nobody, in my opinion, plays that role better than Tom Hardy (Bane, Heathcliff in BBC's Wuthering Heights, and Tommy Riordan in Warrior).
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