From the North... Living in the South



  • brandiemhgc
    I am from Vermont/Massachusetts and living in Southern Virginia. I love it here. I will never go back. There are certain things I miss about up North, and certain things I can live with out~ Like,,,,, snow. I just finished the police academy training and I am now a 911 dispatcher. I love it~~ LOL Good luck on your journey. Mine has begun today. Peace love and happiness to all of you!
  • NancyS58
    NancyS58 Posts: 2 Member
    I was born and raised in Connecticut, and now live in South Carolina. I love the South....but I do miss my peeps back home. :)
  • GaglianiGirl
    I am from the south. Born in Texas, raised in Arkansas, now living in NJ.
  • cinblog1965
    cinblog1965 Posts: 133 Member
    I was born in MA but moved to TN when I was 10. I moved from TN to GA 21 years ago (I was 26) and it was a HUGE change, believe it or not. I finally lost my yankee accent when I moved here and now sound like a poor mountain woman . . . lol. The bible belt is locked up tight around here too, where it wasn't so much in Knoxville TN. And everyone is so clickish. It took me a long time to make friends here, but now I wouldn't trade it for anything.