Exercice... but not so much weight loss



  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Sounds like you are making some good changes, anything is better than nothing. Do what you can now and I promise you, you will get there. Along my journey I had bumps in the road but as I always say, it will all add up over time. I do agree that you need to find things that work for YOU as this has to be a lifestyle change not a diet to keep it off -- like the other people said, you have to maintain the exercise and eating habits to be success for life. So keep plugging away girl, you will get there. Good job!!!
  • wenders11
    wenders11 Posts: 1 Member
    I've taken up bike riding in the past couple of months and it's been a great form of exercise for me. I've been fairly sedentary in the past year due to some health issues and as a result I'm really out of shape. I'm not super overweight, I'm just super out of shape. Jogging and aerobics classes and that kind of thing were just too much for me. Then I decided to start taking a daily bike ride to the park and it has changed my life. The first day I only went two miles, and after a week I was going three and now I do 5-6 miles every single morning. That's still not a lot on a bike, but I've only been doing it for about a month and a half. I'm working up to 10 miles and beyond. I go as fast as I can for as long as I can and it really gets my heart pumping. I come home sweaty and sore but it feels amazing! I can feel my legs getting stronger and my endurance is definitely getting better. I've only lost 6.6 pounds so far but I feel SO much better.

    So if you're looking for some form of exercise to get your started, you might consider cycling. It's easy to get started for someone who is out of shape and it's really fun!
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    You did say that you don't want to drop your calorie intake too low, but it sounds as though your focus is more on exercise than food intake & that may not help you with weightloss. I have been repeatedly told by my endocrinologist that weightloss is the result of eating fewer calories than you need for a consistent time period, not heavy workouts!! I went against his advise for about a year & joined a gym that had childcare (I have 4 young children & at the time as homeschooling!!) so I could focus on working hard at exercising rather than reducing calories too much. I was eating quite healthily but my portion sizes were too big. My calorie intake was close to 2000 each day, but I felt I would be burning lots of that off. Not so. I went back to him just over 6 weeks ago at my heaviest weight since my last baby was born & he very kindly said to come back to him when I was ready to take his advice cos he felt he was wasting my money!! It was a reality check I really needed. I got onto this website & in the past 5 weeks I've lost 6 kg by eating under 1200 calories a day (monitoring what I eat) for the first time in my life!) & going for a 20-25min walk about 3 or 4 days a week. I love the fact that I am losing weight even if I have a cheat meal - there was one day when my parents & I were going to see my daughter in a stage show so we had decided to meet at Macca's for dinner - knowing this, I had a protein shake for breakfast & just a salad & a boiled egg for lunch so that I could enjoy some Macca's & still be under the 1200cals!! Hope this helps - you sound like you're doing well anyway, so hang in there!
  • agibson2786
    agibson2786 Posts: 12 Member
    I have actually hit the same thing right now, I was doing well with weight loss and as soon as I started exercising (4 mile walks, and sometimes jogging as well as some tony horton 10 minute trainer videos) and then the loss stopped. Talk about discouraging!! I wanted to get a handle on what I was eating before I started exercising but now I'm getting to that "why bother" stage in the back on my mind. It sucks!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Thank you all for the advices!

    I started with only walking but because of my problems with my feet, I can't walk for a long time anymore, it hurts too much. I now try a bunch of different videos on youtube (I did two Tiffany Rothe this morning), workouts with the Nike Training Club app, Wii Cardio Boxing, etc. I even got a podcast that features workout videos!

    You are helping me stay optimist about the fact that I will start lose some weight soon! :)

    thank you!


    Just a reminder that if you haven't exercised in a long time and you carry a lot of weight, GO SLOW. You don't want to injure yourself (a knee, an ankle, shins, etc.) and then not be able to do anything for a while. Let your body ease into this new way of moving.

    Your enthusiasm is great. You will meet all your goals :smile: