What are your little tricks for losing weight?



  • Growtinymusclesgrow
    Growtinymusclesgrow Posts: 152 Member
    My tricks for losing weight? There are no tricks, though some of the things posted are really good things to incorporate into your daily routine. My "tricks" are simple...

    eat several small meals per day...it is important to learn how much you should be eating
    work your *kitten* off in the gym...I always do HIIT cardio AFTER I finish weight training.
    let water become your friend...I still struggle with this daily.
    take a daily multivitamin...
    check out www.formulazone.com...it is a amazing website

    It is important to note that ultimately, losing weight simply means burning off more calories than you consume. But if you eat crap food, you will find that your goals become difficult to reach. The 40/30/30 rule works pretty well for me.
  • Runfaster14
    Runfaster14 Posts: 90 Member
    A few small things that have helped my stay on track. Dark Chocolate. I am eating 90% Llindt right now and it is delicious. One square usually after lunch at my desk at work. Drink more water and I have unfortunatley commited to cutting way back on my bread and carb intake. Only day 3 so I will let you know how it goes.

    My wrists tend to be weak (too much tumbling as a gymnast) so i keep a small weight by the couch and do some wrist strenghtening while watching tv.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    i walk and use exercise bands while I watch TV. It really works for me. It uses different muscles from normal walking. Starting out I couldn't do it very long. My body adapted quickly. I cushioned the floor with a non slip mat. Shoes on none works equally as well, but differently. Laughing family is another thing all together! :tongue: Friend me if you like. Im happy to chat.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    I started small by eating an apple every day, giving up elevators and drinking 10 glasses of water a day.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    i eat at a low to moderate deficit and lose weight
  • IShowUp4Me
    IShowUp4Me Posts: 16 Member
    I focus on getting plenty of protein in my diet (100 g per day goal) Eat clean....1400 calories don't go far if your not eating clean. LOL

    Et I chew Sugar free gum.....That helps curb my appetite..
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    *Don't deprive yourself, I believe that moderation is key. At least for me, I think a healthy lifestyle is all about a balance between physical health and also having a happy soul. Ice cream once in a while is okay!

    *Don't buy junk food! If it's not in your fridge, you won't eat it!

    *Always have healthy snacks on hand

    *Find exercise that you love and be sure to switch up your routine from time to time
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    1. I stopped eating fast food.
    2. I increased the amount of fruits and veggies.
    3. I don't participate in "pot luck" or "spreads" at work anymore.
    4. I carry low fat cereal bars with me for a snack.
    5. I drink a lot more water.
    6. I use egg substitute now and turkey bacon.
    7. Lean meats only.
    8. No fried food. <sigh>.
    9. I let my dogs take me for walks more now.
    10. I exercise while watching television.
    11. I handwash my dishes now instead of just putting them in the dishwasher. This has actually helped me with burning calories because I put music on and dance a little while washing the dishes. Ok you can roll your eyes and laugh....I just did.

    I do have 1 cheat meal a week but I don't go crazy with it.
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    l just wish sosmetimes l could just follow my meals and not go off track when my co-workers bring in baked goods.

    I had that same problem.
  • n_gal87
    n_gal87 Posts: 85 Member
    I carry a large water bottle (32 oz.) with me everywhere, I make it my goal to drink 3/day and I fill it up as soon as its empty even if I'm out. It also helps me refrain from buying sugary drinks during lunch at work because I don't want to have to lug 2 drinks around/waste money. At home I drink either from my giant nalgene or a giant cup (28 oz.), I find that not constantly having to get up to fill the cup makes me drink more.
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
  • brma0101
    brma0101 Posts: 2 Member
    Whey protien shake for lean protien and 3tbs of oat bran
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Great answers from everyone, but here's the best one.

    Record everything you eat, ALWAYS. One weakness of mine is when I decide to take a break or if I'm bad one day I don't record at all. That's a big big mistake that I've gotten better at. Even when you are taking a break by recording what you eat always you will still be incentivized to eat less. I can't tell you the number of times I was at a social gathering and was eating just to be eating.