

I'm starting insanity and just wondered what people added to diary for this exercise? I have searched and they obviously don't have insanity DVD



  • You cannot pull a calorie estimate from insanity using a database. It obviously depends on how hard you push yourself, how many breaks you take, and various other factors such as age, weight, height, and heart rate. This is also why I don't believe you should solely on a database for other cardiovascular exercises since they are often inaccurate and don't take into account for these factors. Your best bet to get an estimate of how much calories you are burning through one session of insanity is by getting a heart rate monitor that uses age, weight, height to calculate an estimated calorie burn using the fluctuations in your heart rate.

    For example using a HRM during insanity sometimes I can fluctuate anywhere from burning 500 calories to up to 6-700 calories depending how I feel that day and how hard I'm pushing myself and thats for month 2 of the program.
  • marclement
    marclement Posts: 8 Member
  • I don't have a heart rate monitor, so I use "curcuit training- high intensity." I do want to get one though, because I feel like I burn more than 339 calories doing it. ;)