Loosing the weight.

So my plan is to get to about 150 around October for my homecoming dance, a weight I haven't been since about the fourth grade. I could really use some help. I'm on a vegetarian cleanse, which is basically avoiding meet and bread till after homecoming, or maybe beyond, I'm in a small town with only a small section carrying only tofu and A LOT of processed foods. So it would be really helpful if anyone could provide me with exercise and diet tips! Thanks!


  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    dont eat your exercise calories back, eat lots of protein, avoid junk foods (if and when possible), and sweat your *kitten* off =D

    Good luck
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    if youre going vegetarian and you havent done it before, and youre working out as well as counting calories theres a couple of things you should keep in mind. Its going to be..i shouldnt say harder..but if you werent vegetarian before, its going to be more of a challenge to get enough protien and calories (or at least it was for me). Focusing on high calorie nutrient rich foods like avocado, fruits, and nuts is a good way to get extra calories in as well as having nuts give you protien. I love making or buying hummus and have it around for a post workout snack and use various veggies (peppers, cucumbers, broccoli, carrots) as dipping tools. I was the only vegetarian in my family and it was kinda a rough trip because everyone else would be sitting and eating dinner, and i would be sitting with a salad- and while salads are great, you really have to learn to add variety to them to keep it from getting boring and to make sure that youre getting all the nutrients you need. Before you workout try to eat something like fruits, it gives you sugars and carbs for the energy you need for the workout :)
    Its great that you decided to start this journey :) Hard work and dedication get you to your goals, and don't beat yourself up if you slip up! Feel free to add me if you want, I'm just restarting my journey on here :)