Sugar, sugar, sugar, the $#@% sugar!!

AMC4x4 Posts: 37 Member
I know my biggest issue is sugars. It's right there in the daily eating diary.

I've made HUGE changes in my diet starting a week ago. Used to be a bagel w/butter or cream cheese for breakfast, 24oz coffee, something like Wendy's for lunch (Baconator -- ok, single, w/med fries, but still, yipes) and it wasn't uncommon to have two or three slices of pizza for dinner.

I think I've found a "new routine" that I think I can live with -- oatmeal or cereal in the morning, each with fruit, a wrap for lunch, nuts and yogurt for snacks, and something fairly clean for dinner.

But every day, even though I can be under my fats and calories for the day, I'm way over on my sugars. I could cut out the Tbsp of syrup in the oatmeal I guess (although it really makes it palatable to me), and I'm on my way to cutting out the coffee (and associated couple teaspoons of sugar), but how much attention should I really be paying to this right now? I'm just getting started with all this, and my philosophy so far is (thanks to lurking so much on these boards) -- carbs are OK, just keep them whole wheat, fiber and clean, fats are OK, but try to stick to clean meats and nuts, an occasional splurge is going to be OK (for instance, the two Mike's I had last night), but try to keep to the calories...

But the sugar is going to be an issue. And a big one. I know a lot of my weight gain is probably related to the sugars, I see that now... But I really think getting below my daily # on sugars is going to be impossible.

How much of an issue is this?


  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    As long as you don't have any health issues...diabetes..etc. You are fine. Every single day I am over on sugar by a lot and have still managed to lose 25lbs in a little over 2 months.

    The biggest thing is what kind of sugar your taking in... Natural sugars are everywhere..fruit, milk. Now if you are eating candies, cookies, cakes all day and that's where your sugar is coming from...that's a problem :bigsmile: