I am SO sick of frozen meals!!!

TJFreeman Posts: 96
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I would sincerely appreciate some ideas for satisfying, easy lunches. I swear, if I have to eat one more frozen meal, I'm going to scream!!!


  • carissa55
    carissa55 Posts: 41 Member
    How about some cheese, fresh grapes, wheat crackers and a boiled egg? I have that once in awhile. Or plain yogurt with fruit and granola?
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I decided that I'd cook on Sunday - a big pot of something: Healthy chili, chicken and veggie soup with spinach and black beans - anything like that. Then I put it into ziplock containers and freeze it and take it with me to work for the week. Once you get started with it you'll have some left over so that you'll always have a variety in the freezer for the next week.

    I never cooked but I've found it to not only be easy but rather enjoyable. I start out with no fat/low sodium broth - chicken or Beef. Then I put chicken breast or the lowest fat ground meet into a pan and brown it with garlic and lots of onions.

    While that's browning I just cut up whatever veggies I want/like - zucchini, tomato, more onions, spinach, carrots - whatever you have and like - dump it into the pot. Then you can add some black beans or quinola or whatever to make it thick.

    When the meat is ready just dump it all in and let it cook for a couple of hours. It's fairly fast other than the cooking time - and boy is it good. Experiment with other herbs and spices - I don't add salt to anything any more, I just use the salt free lemon pepper and other herbs.

    Everyone at work is always saying "wow that smells so good" when I'm thawing my soup/stew in the microwave. I'm eating better than I ever did, it's tasty stuff - and if you go light on the meat and heavy on the veggies it's very low calorie.

    I use the recipe calculator here to figure out the nutritional values:


    And to figure the serving size I just add up how many cups of everything I've put in there, and make 1 cup the serving size - so if I've put in meat and veggies and liquid to equal 27 cups I usually say it's 25 cups total for servings per container (Some boils off)

    It is a little more work but only one one day of the week - and it's OH SO satisfying to be eating a home cooked meal at work that you know the calorie and nutritional value of - and you know it's good for you.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    i do all my cooking in advance and package it so i can grab and go

    casseroles are great, shepherds pie, lasagna,cabbage rolls etc

    as well as like big hearty stews and soups

    anything i can throw in the crock pot make in big batches and freeze or keep in the fridge a few days.

    recently i did a big hearty root soup/stew, spaghetti sauce in the crock pot and then cooked the spaghetti right in the sauce, a curry veg sauce to go over rice, and i did a pork tenderloin in the slowcooker with peppers and onions and thai sauce [or a bbq sauce you like] shred it and use it on top of wraps or salad... HTH:flowerforyou:
  • That actually sounds pretty tasty! Thanks for the suggestion!
  • mamamia866
    mamamia866 Posts: 21 Member
    bisquick and jiffy have great recipes to make in... a jiffy. :smile: I made the bisquick chicken pot pie, delish! and it lasted 3 days between my boyfriend and I. and you can always alter the ingredients to make it healthier.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    If you look up "lunch" in the recipe forum, you should be able to find some great ideas. And if you go to google, you can narrow it down to your time and tastes.
  • go to

    you'll find some AMAZING recipes...and EASY! And they provide all weight watchers points for every meal!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    reduced fat humus, whole wheat Pita, viggies to dip and a glas of skim milk
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    Do you like sanwiches? Try the Orowheat Sandwich Thins. They are 100% whole wheat and 100 calories. Theya re a nice change from bread, I like mine toasted with turkey, lettuce, tomato and mustard. Then add fruit and carrot sticks on the side. Very satisfying.
  • I know what you mean about getting sick of frozen meals! Here are some things I make for lunch:

    salad with dry tuna or chicken breast on top of it with a nice vinaigrette dressing. I usually have a yogurt and string cheese with it.

    chicken /tuna salad sandwich on wheat. Make sure not to use a lot of mayo. Thats where it gets you.

    Fruit and raw veggies are always good too.

    It's really easy to make a good healthy lunch and not have to get involved with the same ole frozen meals.
  • CrossedFlags
    CrossedFlags Posts: 3 Member
    Frozen meals are one of the worst things you can put in your body. Fresh food is the only way to go when trying to change old habits. Just look at the chemicals used to process and preserve that garbage. Frozen/processed food is designed for big businesses to profit, not for any health reason. Go back in a time warp, eat like our ancestors ate 70 - 80 years ago, long before all the current health issues.
  • Thanks everyone for the great suggestions! Keep em coming!
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    on my chicken salad i use fat free yogurt instead of mayo, i put walnuts and grapes and celery and tarrogon leaves, its DELISH. Tuna i add some egg, onion, and i use extra virgin olive oil mayo that is way less fattening its by hellmans. I also do egg salad with fat free cottage cheese, curry powder, and green onion (Thats what i had today) on some sort of whole wheat bread/pita, wrap whatever.
    I know what you mean about getting sick of frozen meals! Here are some things I make for lunch:

    salad with dry tuna or chicken breast on top of it with a nice vinaigrette dressing. I usually have a yogurt and string cheese with it.

    chicken /tuna salad sandwich on wheat. Make sure not to use a lot of mayo. Thats where it gets you.

    Fruit and raw veggies are always good too.

    It's really easy to make a good healthy lunch and not have to get involved with the same ole frozen meals.
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