Young Adult Group?!



  • cait58
    cait58 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm Cait and 20! Any of you can add me :)
  • arenteria_1991
    Hi I'm Amanda I'm 21 and my CW is 150 and my goal is 120. Add me if you want :)
  • bluesummersea
    Hey I'm Carla, I just joined today! I'm 18 and from New Zealand. I'm about 178 cm tall and around 60kgs (132 lbs) so I'm more looking at just losing a very small amount and then healthily maintaining my weight as I get fit :) I would really love to connect with other younger people, no matter how much you're wanting to lose :)
  • Mariaisgettingfit
    I'm Maria, I'm 19, 5"6, and my current weight is 190lbs. I started trying to get fit at the end of February but I sort of lost my focus and joined mfp about 6 weeks ago :) everyone has been awesome on here! Feel free to add me, we might be able to help each other out!
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    Hey there! I'm Alex, I'm 23 and a student in London. I'm 5'10" and I started off weighing about 170lbs. I basically noticed that all of my smart clothes I had to wear every day for uni placements were getting too tight to be comfortable, and there is no way I could afford to buy a whole new wardrobe! So I was whinging about it to a friend one day, who pointed me to this site and the app. I started off a bit half-heartedly thinking it was worth a go but not really expecting very much, and have been pleasantly surprised! I've now lost about a stone in the last 3 months, ideally I'd like to lose another stone but I might settle for a half, depends how easily the rest of it comes off!

    Not sure how well I will do with this over the summer, as going back to my parents' house always means there is more unhealthy food around, and my dad has this sneaky habit of topping up your wineglass while you aren't looking so you end up drinking about 5 times as much as intended!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • nikkitodhunter
    This sounds like a good idea :D

    I'm 18, from the uk, 5"2 & current weight around 100lbs (I've lost 7 since I joined mfp about a month and a half ago)
    Not really got a goal weight, just trying to get rid of my flab, get more excersize and generally eat healthier :D (ANY extra pounds look way more notiacble when you're my height D:)
  • Tanisha1014
  • Tanisha1014
    Just want to remind everyone that the minimum age for this site is 18 and there are people who look for people under 18 to get them kicked off. This topic heading would draw their attention. I don't care what you do, but just wanted to warn those that are posting that they are too young...

    Thank You. I didn't even realize, sorry guys. I can't even change it.
  • Charlottina
    Charlottina Posts: 87 Member
    Hi I am 19 and from the UK. I started MFP at around 235 2 months ago and I have since lost about 20lbs and I am looking to get down to around 130lbs as I am 5ft 5in.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • unsearchable
    unsearchable Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Brittany and I'll be 22 in August. I'm 5'8" and started out at 217 lb. (currently at 210). I'd like to end up around 150. I've started doing C25k but got bursitis due to awful shoes and an extremely high arch. I'm just looking for some friends on here to help motivate and share stories with :) feel free to add me!
  • Kerchief
    Kerchief Posts: 2
    Hey! I am 21 and have been heavy for my entire life pretty much. I have been trying to drop some weight for quite a while and have been struggling with making permanent changes. I am really good about going to the gym.....for the first month at least and then I usually start falling behind and need to start over.

    This time I really want to see progress and have made a short term goal of losing 60lbs. In the long run, I would love to lose even more. I am hoping to start swimming laps becasue I really don't enjoy the gym that much....

    I encourage people to add me as I would love to have other people working towards simialr goals around so that we can help each other out and motivate one another :)
  • Beautiful_Disaster108
    I'm chastity :) I'm 20 I live in Cali trying to lose 30 lbs anyone feel free to add me!
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I'm 24 and have about 50 pounds to lose. Anyone looking for friends can add me!
  • StephShuttle
    StephShuttle Posts: 39 Member
    Hi I'm Steph.

    I'm 21.

    I'm 5,1".

    Over the past 8 or so months I have weighed 123 - 117lbs. I've gone up and down due to dissertation stress, final year undergrad revision stress, waiting for exam results stress, unexpected bereavements, and getting a BSc (Hons) Psychology 2:1 celebrations (yeah I'm very pleased with my self lol).

    I think I'm aim to weigh about 110lbs, but I'll decide on that when I get their.

    :) feel free to add!
  • blackgirlfit
    blackgirlfit Posts: 120 Member
    I'm Jessica. I weigh in at 172 lbs i'm 5'6". I use to be 196. My target weight is 150. I love working out and am very into fitness and nutrition. Ive been going up and down for the past few months with my weight so I need to pick it up a notch.

    feel free to add me people! :-D
  • misspoetic
    misspoetic Posts: 24 Member
    wow! i love this name is kuda i am 21 and recently graduated university. i weigh 176 lbs or 80kg...i struggle with this journey a lot. working out is also my biggest challenge BUT i refuse to end 2012 fat...please add me :)
  • flyingpurplemonkey
    flyingpurplemonkey Posts: 105 Member
    Hi. My name is Julie, and I just started here at mfp. But I support group with people my age is exactly what I'm looking for!

    I'm 5'3 and weigh around 160, down from about 170. I am a student from Oregon. Right now I have access to the school's gym, so I'm hoping to go there frequently. I have also started running outside a bit. I am hoping to get down to about 125 to 130.
  • haddock21409
    haddock21409 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello my name is Courtney I will be 20 in just a few months. I am a mother of two. I have a soon to be 3 year old and a soon to be 2 year old. I had my children exactly one year apart so my body has been through hell and back these past few years. I am going to be starting school in August for my RN. I really wanted to lose a little weight before then. I lost 30lbs last year and gained 13lbs back so I am down 17lbs at the moment. I am ready to start my journey to be healthy again. Please feel free to add me, I can give encouragment and you can give me encouragement as well. God knows I need it!

    SW 207
    CW 190
    GW 160
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    im in!
  • rhiannan1991
    rhiannan1991 Posts: 12 Member
    Oh yay a group for youngsters :)

    my name is Rhi, Im 20 years old, just joined, ready to get healthy and lose weight!

    [Motivational people wanted! lol add me :) ]