New Lifestyle-or eating disorder?



  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I am struggling in the same way. I didn't count my calories for any months, just used the site to track weight and measurements and I was losing weight just fine. I've been counting since July 6th, and I greatly obsess over it. If any food touches my lips, I log straight on. I won't eat unless I'm near a computer to track it. I feel guilt if I'm under 1200 because it's supposed to be bad, but I feel guilt if I'm over. I feel guilt if I exercise because it's not enough, but I feel worse if I don't. Considering I have PCOS and hypothyroidism, and I'm losing about 10 pounds a month, I'm probably doing something wrong (or really, really right) because I shouldn't be losing weight like this.

    Also, I notice that something's amiss because I get especially defensive if someone comments that I didn't eat enough. I have plenty of excuses on hand. I don't know what to do either.
  • Reneefit135
    Reneefit135 Posts: 170
    OP, clearly you aren't alone here in obsessing over exercise and calories. i know i'm in the boat with you and everyone else who's added here. someone in an earlier post said that MFP forces us to be obsessive. as we start to learn what size portions we need to lose, maintain, gain, whatever it may be that we're doing here, we are forced to make choices that we never really paid much mind to before MFP. if i felt like having a 3 egg omelette with an entire avocado and toast with peanutbutter for dinner and ice cream with cookies for dessert, i used to do it. now i know that's way too much fat in one meal, even if it's good fats, and not enough protein, there's this underlying sense of restructuring our habits and day-to-day eating plans. and if you're like me, and enjoy changing it up every day, it's even more difficult to manage macros, not going over cals, but still eating things we enjoy so we're not completely deprived. sidesteal mentioned taking a day off. i find once a month i *NEED* to take a day or two (or three) off from logging. i still make the best choices i can, though i may have a little more of this or that, or something i might not normally. for some it's a full on cheat day, for others it's a mental break from logging. it sounds like you're going through a lot of stress right now in your life, but you will find a way to make this work for you. it's not easy to be disciplined and cognizant of health, but the benefits outweigh the negatives. and the community here is the most supportive i've ever found.

    I really like this post, thanks