

  • armyvettech
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I started my diet and exercise about 12 days ago and I had no clue where to start. I'm on 1300 calories a day.

    I decided to give up ice coffee, alcohol and fast food to start. I workout in the morning so I have to eat breakfast and I keep it simple since Im usually running out the door for work.

    My first grocery trip included fresh fruits, chicken, brown rice, yogurt, fresh veggies, salad and salad and more salad, eggs and egg and more eggs, sweet potatoes, 1% low fat cottage cheese, fresh mushrooms and onions, turkey burgers and ground turkey, 1% milk, whole grain bread and lunchmeat. I've learned from talking with others here portion control is very important and I document everything that goes in my mouth. If I don't feel like logging it I don't need to eat it. I only drink water and I put lemon in it to add some flavor. I either measure, weigh or count my out my portions. I also do Insanity 6 days a week. I think I'm doing it right but I guess time will tell.
    I wish you the best of luck~feel free to friend request me and I can help cheer you on!!!!
  • MsLenaMarie
    MsLenaMarie Posts: 4 Member
    If you are on the go make your portions the night before and put them in tupperware, etc., and carry it with you in the day