Help! I'm stuck!

I started using My Fitness Pal on June 18. I also joined the YMCA. I've been faithful to not go over my calories and have exercised almost every day. I hit the 12 lb. mark a week and a half ago. Now - NOTHING! I know it's normal to hit a plateau, but this quickly? I figured I'd have lost more before that happened. Any one have some advice to kick this in gear?


  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Great job so far! Where are you at in your cycle? I would guess water based on your weight loss so far. Keep up the good work and I would guess you'll go back to normal. You lost a lot quickly--I'd say don't change anything until this lasts longer with no change.
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member
    It might not be a plateau. It could simply be that you are retaining fluid, or need to wee. Or you might need to poo. We can go up and down quite a bit in one day due to all sorts of things. Even something as small as not weighing yourself at the same time each time. Having just eaten before you weigh yourself. Don't stress about it, be true to what you're doing and you will notice the scale drop.
  • hscheuerman
    hscheuerman Posts: 15 Member
    First - relax!!! The more you stress, the more likely you are to go off program. Second, have you tried on something that didn't quite fit in May? It could be that you are turning fat into muscle which weighs more. Third, mix up your foods - don't eat the same things all the time, if you do, your body can start thinking this is the new normal. Fourth, make sure you are tracking EVERYTHING you eat - it is amazing how many calories are in each "just a taste." Last, and probably most important, get your mind off the numbers - think about doing something you enjoy, get out & go for a walk, do a new exercise, go shopping, anything except sit around and worry.

    In few days to a week, you should be back on track.

    By the way, 2 years ago I lost over 60 pounds and following this advice.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I also forgot to add that after the first few weeks you typically won't see such high numbers so don't stress if your loss slows to anywhere from .5-2 lbs a week.