Getting Frustrated

AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I'm not going to lie, I'm getting frustrated very easily. And I'm trying my best to not let it get me down but it can be damn hard. I can count perfectly and eat none of my workout calories, and when I weigh myself after a week - nothing. Then the next week I went down 4 pounds, and then the next week I gained 3. There is no way my caloric intake is making me gain 3 pounds and it really makes me angry. I thought I would be further along at this point. I'm trying to stay positive. People compliment me on my weight loss, even though frankly I haven't really lost anything. It's not fair!!


  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    im getting the same thing except Im not even seeing any loss on the scale and ive been at this since before i joined in june. and yes people are complimenting me on my loss and Ive gone down a pants size...but still! Ive worked so hard and dieted so well and im seeing hardly any big progress.

    I wish I could make you feel better but im right there with ya!
  • Remember that muscle weighs more than fat! If you're working out, then you've got to be building some muscle which may be the reason for you slow loss!
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    I know, I try to remember the muscle fact as well. But I don't feel like I have more muscle!!!
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    I have the problem that if I eat something that is salty I pay for it for a week with water retention. Maybe try watching your salt intake and see if it makes a difference.

    I also agreee with slimmingmom that if you are exercising along with dieting you could be trading muscle for any weight loss that you have. Are you losing inches? That is a sure tell.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    i am getting compliments galore regardless of the fact i've be stuck fluxing between 10-15 pounds loss for the last 2 going on 3 weeks....i am frustrated!!!!!!!!!

    but inches matter more the lbs -- either you're losing inches, or shifting/changing shape while your body adapts to the changes...keep it up...we should be rewarded soon if we keep it up

    also maybe have a looka t your food stats and make sure that even if you're in your cals that you're not going crazy with maybe sodium or sugar? i have been high on sugar lately despite eating healthy my oatmeal and some snacks are a big higher in sugar [like granola bars etc]

    HTH -- chin up and keep on trucking -- it will happen!!!:flowerforyou:
  • You need to make certain you are logging every thing you eat and eat your excercise calories. It works. I was skeptical at first but it works. Eat good things like grilled chicken, fruits and veggies. After you excercise eat something like a banana. MAKE certain you are eating a good breakfast. I eat an english muffin (better start with 8 g of fiber), a cooked egg I cook in the microwave for 70 seconds (break the yoke) and a piece of cheese every morning. It has changed my life. It really motivated my metabolism and I started to see results. If you are not eating your excercise calories your body is likley going into starvation mode and everything you eat will be stored as fat. I learned all this here.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    get your fat percentage taken and when I say that I mean go get your fat pinched- then continue what your doing for 6 weeks and then have it redone- Also measure yourself every couple of weeks to check progress-

    My weight doesn't move but I drop inches- I don't know what your workouts are like- I personally lift weights (not 5-10lbs either) and do cardio.

    I can say that I weight 175-178 (I flucuate) and I wear a size 8 jeans- Thanks to lifting weight I also have a decent fat % but its not good enough.

    I know what your saying about your frustration cause I bust my butt in the gym an my scale doesn't move but then again I'm buying smaller clothes Go figure how do your clothes fit.

    If your doing everything right then there should be some results if not then you need to tighting things up
  • vraehn
    vraehn Posts: 1,008
    I lost 10 pounds the first month and now it seems the scale has been stuck for the last week. However, the ladies at the office tell me everyday they can see the weight melting off. I can feel the difference, so I can only conclude that I am building muscle. I do exceed my protein on a regular basis and due to bone-to-bone (no joint) in my ankle, I am unable to do much exercise.

    Though I am anxious to see more results on the scale, I REFUSE to be discouraged. I think weight loss is both mental and physical.

    Soooo, hang in there, We don't put it on in a month, why should we expect it will go off in a short time.

    :smile: :wink: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • Eat your exercise calories! Remember that you are already eating at a deficit based on your basic calories. If you don't eat your exercise calories you're probably functioning in starvation mode much of the time. Just try it for a couple of weeks and see what you think.
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    Salt might really be the problem. I <3 salt
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,011 Member
    I can count perfectly and eat none of my workout calories, and when I weigh myself after a week - nothing
    What happens if you eat your exercise calories?
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    If I was a size 8 I wouldnt care if I weighed 250.

    If youre not going to eat exercise calories try to eat alt least 1400-1600 calories. Your body needs fuel to repair itself and 1200 is usually not enough.

    get your fat percentage taken and when I say that I mean go get your fat pinched- then continue what your doing for 6 weeks and then have it redone- Also measure yourself every couple of weeks to check progress-

    My weight doesn't move but I drop inches- I don't know what your workouts are like- I personally lift weights (not 5-10lbs either) and do cardio.

    I can say that I weight 175-178 (I flucuate) and I wear a size 8 jeans- Thanks to lifting weight I also have a decent fat % but its not good enough.

    I know what your saying about your frustration cause I bust my butt in the gym an my scale doesn't move but then again I'm buying smaller clothes Go figure how do your clothes fit.

    If your doing everything right then there should be some results if not then you need to tighting things up
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    If I was a size 8 I wouldnt care if I weighed 250.

    If youre not going to eat exercise calories try to eat alt least 1400-1600 calories. Your body needs fuel to repair itself and 1200 is usually not enough.

    get your fat percentage taken and when I say that I mean go get your fat pinched- then continue what your doing for 6 weeks and then have it redone- Also measure yourself every couple of weeks to check progress-

    My weight doesn't move but I drop inches- I don't know what your workouts are like- I personally lift weights (not 5-10lbs either) and do cardio.

    I can say that I weight 175-178 (I flucuate) and I wear a size 8 jeans- Thanks to lifting weight I also have a decent fat % but its not good enough.

    I know what your saying about your frustration cause I bust my butt in the gym an my scale doesn't move but then again I'm buying smaller clothes Go figure how do your clothes fit.

    If your doing everything right then there should be some results if not then you need to tighting things up

    Thanks but a size 8 isn't cutting it for me- I am a muscular person that has fat on top of it- So once my muscles start burning I drop inches fast but no weight which is fine- I know someone that gained weight but fat percent dropped 6% and they look smaller than they did- I am a one person that always says don't be afraid to lift heavy-- Cardio alone is just not enough when you want to change the way your body looks and I am proof- I murder my muscles in the gym hitting them all and always pushing to go heavier- My motto is no pain no lose and so far it works for me the scale may not move but something is happening as long as you eat right and your honest with the way you are eating and you work out.

    **Don't get some caught up with the scale and I am scale *kitten* saying that but if the scale isn't moving and your clothes are getting bigger your doing something right but if nothing is happening and you are thinking you are doing enough maybe you just need to tighting your eating up some more and workout harder. I personally workout for an hour and half that includes cardio and weight training I wear a heart rate monitor the entire time I don't guestimate my calories burned.****

    Good luck
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks. my problem is that I take classes at the gym at night. I'm done at 10:30. So I'm eating my calories B4 I go, and that can be a treacherous path because if something happens that I can't go I end up being quite over.
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    If you are taking the same class time after time you must have some sense of the exercise calories you burn. Could you perhaps log the exercise beforehand, and maybe eat a portion of those calories? If you do exercise, eat the remainder after your class - although it's late maybe a protein bar or shake. If you don't exercise, you're not too far over. It's all about balance, that may be a reasonable compromise.

    Alternatively, if you are taking the same class repeatedly, and always at the same time of day for quite some time perhaps that's the trouble - your body is onto you! Try changing it up - find a way to get some exercise in the morning or at lunchtime, try a different class.

    I know your frustration, both the scale and tape measure have moved so slowly that sometimes the losses weren't even registering in my head. It's not until I look back at where I was at 7 or 9 or 12 weeks ago that I'm glad I didn't give in to the frustration and give up.

    Hang in there!
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    You think that doing the same thing everyday (or every few days) is affecting my progress? I'm trying to add running to my boxing classes
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    You think that doing the same thing everyday (or every few days) is affecting my progress? I'm trying to add running to my boxing classes

    depends how long you have been doing it. You have to keep your body guessing. I just shook up my workout by doing 3 spin classes a week plus my normal 45 minute weight training

    Thats my workout out plan for the month of October.

    I used to just do cardio on my own which would be on the elliptical treadmill or stair climber- So to shake things up I'm spinning now plus doing my weight sessions- Gotta shake my body up a bit- and so far I am enjoying besides my sore *kitten* lol can't wait for my butt to get used to the bike seat
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